Individual Assignment Marketing Strategy Development

Students must produce a short report of no more than 1000 words. This report must address the following:

  • Using a UN agency, international institution (physical or tangible), or international organisation (state or non-state) not covered in detail in Part I of this module, produce a short report explaining that organisation, agency, or institution’s role in the establishment and/or proliferation of norms, regimes, and/or international law.
  • If you’re struggling with the physical or tangible part, think of organisations that have a permanent staff, a secretariat, a building, and/or an administrative staff.

Please pay particular attention to the requirement to focus your case study on an organisation, institution, or agency not covered in Part I of the module. Students must identify their own case study, and they must obtain approval for this case study from their tutor.

Please be aware that 1000 words is very short, so you will have to plan your report carefully.

This assessment is designed to link the first part of the module to the second. This assessment requires you to research an agency, organisation, or institution and to analyse that institution’s role in the establishment and/or proliferation of norms, regimes, and/or law. This assessment allows you to learn more about smaller or more specialised institutions,
organisations, or UN agencies that are of interest to you, or that you may aspire to work for in the future.

Students should pay careful attention to both the empirical case study and to the theoretical or practical component of international organisation. Not addressing the above topic in full – 1) researching and explaining the case study; and 2) its role or impact on the creation/proliferation of norms, regimes, and/or law – will result in a failing mark.

The short report must contain a maximum of 1000 words. It must be fully and accurately referenced in line with standard referencing guidelines. Citations must be in the Harvard format. A complete bibliography must be given. Submissions containing no citations and/or no bibliography will not receive a passing mark.

This submission must be submitted online only. Students must maintain anonymity in their submission. When submitting your short report online, ensure that the file name of your submission is your student number only. Students who do not use their student number as the file name will not be guaranteed anonymity in the marking process.

Institutions and orgs you cannot use

You cannot do this assessment on any of the following institutions and/or organisations:

The League of Nations

The United Nations (as a whole – subsidiary orgs and agencies are allowed)

UN General Assembly

UN Security Council

The World Trade Organisation

The African Union


International Court of Justice



International Criminal Court

Examples of orgs you could use

The World Bank

International Monetary Fund


Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)


UN Habitat



Arab League



Universal Postal Union

International Committee for the Red Cross/Red Crescent

Etc (you get the point?)