Occupation Health and Safety

Assessment 1 – Part B: Project

  1. Meeting

Introduction and purpose of meeting

I welcome all the members of FSEC in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the current objective of FSEC along with discussing the new operational plan. The vision of FSEC is to become number one sport which can only be achieved with the participation of all the members of the team. Let’s continue with the meeting. 

Indication to team members

The opinion of each team member is significant in developing and implementing strategic plans which will also be included in the team performance planning framework. Therefore, all the team members should take an active role in planning meetings. 

Reading of operational plan

I believe that everyone has read the Operational plan for FSEC which has been sent through email as we will be discussing the plan in the meeting. 

Understanding the operational plan

The key purpose of the operational plan is to promote membership growth, development of volunteers and conducting programs and events to promote FSEC. The role of the team members is to support the activities present in the operational plan unconditionally. The team members are responsible and accountable towards the achievement of the performance indicators. 

Positive feedback to team

The efforts of the team and their contribution has resulted in achieving positive trends in soccer participation along with increase in volunteer participation and participation of female soccer players in clubs. 

Opportunity to ask question

If you have any concerns and doubts regarding the operational plan, you can ask now. I will try my best to clarify any doubts. 

Concerns and issues raised by operation manager 

I understand that the key issue is the communication between the team members. I will look into this issue. The other concern raised by the operations manager is the limited budget for promotional activities. 

Concluding the meeting

The success of FSEC depends on each and every team member. So, let’s work together over the next 12 month in order to achieve the vision of the FSEC association. 

  1. Email to general manager 

To: gm@FSEC.com

Subject: Meeting minutes and workplace concerns


The General Manager, 

The meeting was conducted smoothly which focussed on discussing the operational plan. The meeting allowed the team members to share the opinion which was included in the team performance planning framework. Team members were also given positive feedback in regards to their efforts and contribution in FSEC. 

Opinions of the operational manager and team members have highlighted certain workplace concerns which included communication issues and budget concerns. The communication between the marketing team and other team members is limited which increases workload on other team members. The budget for promotional activities are limited due to slow growth of the association which needs to be considered for future promotional activities. 

The meeting minutes and workplace concern has been discussed in the mail. I am looking for feedback in the future to address the concerns. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Marketing and Communications Manager

  1. Team performance template

Name of Team

Alpha Team

Plan timeframe

12 months

Name of Manager

Mr. Andre Willis

Date of performance planning discussion

30th December

Date of mid cycle review discussion

31st March

Date of end cycle review discussion

31st September

  1. Outputs, projects and deliverables: What will your main work be this year?

The main area for the team is to promote membership growth and improve volunteer development. One of the key goals of the organization is to increase the participation of people in community football. Therefore, the output is to increase the number of members within the association along with increasing the number of volunteers in FSEC. On the other hand, the projects include developing marketing campaigns, conducting marketing research, developing volunteer recognition schemes, and others. The deliverables include a volunteer database, publishing of articles about soccer events of FSEC and others. 

  1. Conduct and behaviours: How will you do your work and interact with others this year?

The conduct and behaviour of the teams  needs to be ethical and should represent the values listed in the strategic plan. The team members should display trust, integrity and respect with members as well as community. Collaboration should be evident within the behaviours of the team through camaraderie, openers and transparency in communication and others. Lastly, the innovation should be conducted within FSEC by every team member through change and best practice. This will help in achieving the outcome and accomplish deliverables. 

  1. Knowledge and skills: What do you need to do your job well this year?

The key objective for the team members is to increase the number of members within the association along with increasing the number of volunteers in FSEC. I need to learn more about facebook marketing along with Google adwords which can assist in creating better promotional activities for FSEC. The new skills can be used for creating training plans for team members in order to ensure that the team is also well versed in different marketing approaches for FSEC. In addition to this, I also need to learn more about the incentive and recognition scheme which can be used to attract volunteers to the association. 

  1. Support needed to do my job well?

I need support from marketing officers and promotions officers in order to develop a promotional plan that can promote participation of people in football. Moreover, the assistance of these two individuals can assist in developing creative ideas which can be used to communicate with members and other individuals. On the other hand, the administration manager needs to work with me so I can analyze the budget of the association to develop incentive and recognition schemes. Thus, the changes in the work environment such as reallocation of people within the team can assist in doing the job better. 

  1. How do I know if I am performing well? 

I will understand that I am performing well when I have accurate data on people playing football in the local community thereby targeting such individuals for participation. Moreover, achieving positive trends in football participation in FSEC along with customer satisfaction through our service will ensure that I am performing well. Moreover, an increase in the number of volunteers in the FSEC association will also indicate that the objective and deliverables of the team have been accomplished thereby ensuring that my performance is appropriate. 

  1. Email to the team

To: m1@FSEC.com; m2@FSEC.com; m3@FSEC.com; m4@FSEC.com; m5@FSEC.com;

Subject: Feedback on team performance plan and training needs


The Team Members, 

The team performance plan has been shared with all the team members. I will be waiting for feedback on the plan. For the next 12 month a meeting will be held on 10th of every month where progress will be discussed along with implementation of actions. The actions that I intend for managing workplace concerns are to increase the budget after having a conversation with the General Manager along with creating an open communication within the organisation to avoid communication problems. 

The team will be undergoing training and development over the next 12 months for the team member in order to achieve the deliverables discussed in the team performance plan. The first activity is facebook marketing which will allow the team members to learn how to use facebook for marketing purposes along with promoting content effectively. The training will take place on 30th September in the conference hall. The outcome will be effective marketing techniques for FSEC to achieve a positive trend in participation. The second activity is Google adwords which will start on 1st October at the Meeting room. The outcome for completing the activity will be specific content generation regarding targeted population. 


Yours Sincerely, 

Marketing and Communications Manager

  1. Policy and Procedures

Purpose of the policy

The purpose of the policy is to encourage employees towards their professional development within the association. The policy also provides administrative guidelines to ensure fairness and equity in regards to the application general principle. The policy will allow employees to undertake professional development opportunities as a part of their employment. 

Scope of the policy

The scope of the policy is to create a rewarding and supporting environment for staff along with recognising that the responsiveness, professionalism and quality of workforce are linked with the development of competencies and skills. The scope of the policies include opportunity to plan and develop skills for employees that complements organizational goals. 

Types of professional development

The professional development programs supported by FSEC are technological development, self development, management and supervision development and others (Mohr & Shelton, 2017). Technological development will help employees in increasing their skills and knowledge and skills with latest technologies such as digital marketing, cloud accounting and others. Self development will help employees to learn interpersonal skills such as leadership, communication and others. Lastly, management and supervision development will focus on increasing competencies of employees in managing and supervising employees. These professional development can be undertaken by the employees to support the organizational goals along with increasing organisational competencies. 

Process for identifying needs for professional development

The process for identifying needs includes undertaking a performance review test which will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the employees (Nchimbi. 2019). This will help in undertaking appropriate professional development programs that can assist in increasing organisational competencies. The performance review will include a series of tests that will judge employees based on their existing skills and future requirements of the organisation. 


The criteria for determining the appropriateness of an employee’s professional development includes the outcome of the performance review process. Moreover, change in working hours of employees, use of equipment and others is based on general managers discretion to support professional development of employees. The outcome of the performance review process along with the requirement of the organisation will decide the appropriateness of professional development opportunity to align the professional development with organisational goals. 

Process for documenting and evaluating outcomes

The process for documenting includes filling the form for the type of professional development along with the probable outcome and time required for completing the development process. Moreover, the process of evaluating outcome includes comparing documented information with the skills gained by the employees through a series of tests. 

Assessment 2: Project

  1. Reward and recognition schemes

The informal staff reward and recognition schemes include:

  • Thank you cards
  • Taking staff for lunch
  • Special mention in the meeting or in bulletin boards

The informal rewards and recognition is at the discretion of the manager that can be provided to the employees on achieving a certain milestone (Madhani, 2020). This scheme ensures better employee retention and effectiveness. 

The formal staff reward and recognition schemes include:

  • Bonuses
  • Promotion
  • Presenting awards in events

The formal staff reward and recognition scheme is based on company’s policies which provide incentives and bonuses along with publicly recognizing the efforts of the staff (Mendis, 2017). 

The five examples are:

  • Providing bonus to employees who have achieved the given objective 
  • Taking the staff for a lunch in order to improve communication along with recognising their efforts
  • Providing a chance of promotion to employees that has contributed the most in the project
  • Sending thank you cards to each team member for achieving the objective of organization 
  • Presenting award to the outstanding team member at gala event to recognise and rewards overachievers 
  1. Email to general manager

To: gm@FSEC.com

Subject: Reward and recognition schemes


The General Manager, 

I have identified a few reward and recognition schemes that can be used with the FSEC team. These includes,

  • Bonuses
  • Promotion
  • Presenting awards in events
  • Taking staff for lunch

I seek your feedback and approval to move on with the scheme. I believe that promotion along with presenting awards to the staff is most appropriate for the FSEC team. The reason being that promotion will allow employees to work harder which will help in achieving the goal of FSEC. Presenting awards to employees during events will ensure that every employee’s effort is being recognised which can boost the morale of employees. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Marketing and Communications Manager

  1. Email to the team

To: m1@FSEC.com; m2@FSEC.com; m3@FSEC.com; m4@FSEC.com; m5@FSEC.com;

Subject: Reward and recognition schemes


The Team members, 

I congratulate all the team members for putting the extra effort in achieving the strategic goals. The effort of each member has been recognised by FSEC management due to which we are going to give awards to each employee in the upcoming gala event. Additionally, some key employees will also be promoted based on their contribution to the goal as a reward by the management. The promotion will give the employees an increase in pay along with additional benefits. 


Yours Sincerely, 

Marketing and Communications Manager


  1. Email to Jackie

To: jackie@FSEC.com

Subject: Scheduling a meeting

To Jackie,

I hope you are doing well. I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss some key work performance issues on 11th September 2021 at 4pm. I would like you to know that I have received some work related complaints about your unavailability during working hours in the association. I will further discuss the issue in the meeting along with developing solutions that can benefit both of us. 


Yours Sincerely, 

Marketing and Communications Manager

  1. Meeting with Jackie

Jackie, I am quite disappointed with the issue that has been raised by other staff. The role model behaviour of a leader should be to lead by example. However, the complaints I have received about you are regarding your lack of communication with other staff to resolve necessary issues. The example set by you is creating a wrong impression. The purpose of the meeting is to develop solutions to your problems. 

I believe that the company policy indicates that personal calls can only be made during lunch hours unless there are certain emergencies. The problem that I have been reported is that you do not respond to the calls of staff during office hours which creates extra workload on the administrative staff. Your work responsibility is to create marketing strategies and campaigns which can help in increasing participation of people in FSEC. This needs to be achieved in order to accomplish our vision and to grow in the future. The impact of not abiding by a company’s policy can lead to a negative example which will also influence the work culture. I believe that the decline in work culture will lead to inefficiency in employee’s performance which will negatively impact FSEC. 

I believe that you should only receive personal calls during lunch time and should abide by the company’s policy. I would also like you to attend a counselling session if a personal problem is impacting your performance. Additionally, you need to increase your interaction with administrative staff in order to maintain a cohesive workplace and to improve communication between different teams. 

  1. Email to Jackie

To: jackie@FSEC.com

Subject: Scheduling a meeting


To Jackie,

We had a long discussion about the performance issue and how it can be managed. The key discussion focussed on your responsibilities and the impact of such behavior on the organisation. Therefore, as discussed in the meeting you have to abide by the company’s policy and can only attend to personal calls during lunch. I would also like you to attend a counselling session to overcome your personal problem and focus completely on improving your performance. Moreover, you have to interact with administrative staff more often to overcome the problem of communication and maintain a cohesive workplace. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Marketing and Communications Manager

Reference List

Mohr, S. C., & Shelton, K. (2017). Best practices framework for online faculty professional development: A Delphi study. Online Learning Journal21(4). Retrieved on: 24th August 2021, from: https://www.learntechlib.org/p/183780/article_183780.pdf

Nchimbi, A. (2019). Implementation of open performance review and appraisal system in Tanzania local government authorities: some observations and remarks. International journal of African and Asian studies53, 32-40. Retrieved on: 24th August 2021, from: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/234690551.pdf

Madhani, P. M. (2020). Effective Rewards and Recognition Strategy: Enhancing Employee Engagement, Customer Retention and Company Performance. The Journal of Total Rewards29(2), 39-48. Retrieved on: 25th August 2021, from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr-Pankaj-Madhani/publication/343628153_Effective_Rewards_and_Recognition_Strategy_Enhancing_Employee_Engagement_Customer_Retention_and_Company_Performance/links/5f34f6e592851cd302f159ab/Effective-Rewards-and-Recognition-Strategy-Enhancing-Employee-Engagement-Customer-Retention-and-Company-Performance.pdf

Mendis, M. V. S. (2017). The impact of reward system on employee turnover intention: a study on logistics industry of sri lanka. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research6(9), 67-72. Retrieved on: 25th August 2021, from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/M-V-S-Mendis/publication/328341885_The_Impact_Of_Reward_System_On_Employee_Turnover_Intention_A_Study_On_Logistics_Industry_Of_Sri_Lanka/links/5bc7364e299bf17a1c562f53/The-Impact-Of-Reward-System-On-Employee-Turnover-Intention-A-Study-On-Logistics-Industry-Of-Sri-Lanka.pdf