Information, Communication and Technology
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass the assessment, you will need to:

Work with peers as part of a group that reflect a simulated Multi-Agency Team to develop an evidence-based proposed care plan which clearly shows your individual and specific contributions towards the group project (1500 words). You must:

  • Provide evidence of your group and individual research and knowledge, which demonstrates an appreciation of the service-user needs when putting together a relevant care package and planning intended outcomes for the service user.
  • Produce a reflective account of 1000 words using a model of self-reflection, which demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of multi-agency working gained from your experience and research. This must include acknowledging and addressing practice issues in team work; reflection on barriers and how these can be overcome; policy and legislation that inform multi-agency working; organisational and ground level delivery issues; strengths and limitations of multi-agency working and how the experience will impact on your future development.


What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass the assessment, you will need to:

Work with peers as part of a group that reflect a simulated Multi-Agency Team to develop an evidence-based proposed care plan which clearly shows your individual and specific contributions towards the group project (1500 words). You must:

  • Provide evidence of your group and individual research and knowledge, which demonstrates an appreciation of the service-user needs when putting together a relevant care package and planning intended outcomes for the service user.
  • Produce a reflective account of 1000 words using a model of self-reflection, which demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of multi-agency working gained from your experience and research. This must include acknowledging and addressing practice issues in team work; reflection on barriers and how these can be overcome; policy and legislation that inform multi-agency working; organisational and ground level delivery issues; strengths and limitations of multi-agency working and how the experience will impact on your future development.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
  • Attending all lectures and seminars/workshops will help as each week is formative and relevant to gaining the knowledge and understanding needed for the assignment. 
  • Active participation in group tasks including case study presentation will facilitate the opportunity for you to use the knowledge and experience from this in your assignment
  • Begin working with your group as early as possible after being assigned a case study as you will begin to share knowledge and get an understanding of the experience of group formation and working together
  • Start researching your role as soon as possible to get an understanding of legislation and role responsibility 
  • Make use of the student study hub as soon as possible, especially if you are not yet confident about academic writing or you need additional study support.
  • Pay attention to the structure of your assignment. Pay careful attention to the assignment brief. Your assignment should have introduction, discussion, and a conclusion and you should have a care plan or action plan that you and your group have developed as a result of working together on your case.
  • Follow the guidelines on BREO regarding Harvard referencing both in your text and construction of your reference list to minimize risk of plagiarism as this does impact on grades awarded
  • Make use of documents and tools made available to you on BREO.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
  • Each week will cover a specific topic related to Multi-Agency Working, all of which are linked to your assignment
  • You will be part of a group of 3 to 5 students from different Human Service courses to reflect a multi-agency team. Your group will be given a case study and each of you will be assigned a role.
  • Lectures will cover main topics of Multi-Agency Working and seminars/workshops will be follow on sessions that are linked to lectures where you will do group activities
  • Seminars will provide opportunities to explore and work with small case studies to help you to develop skills and identify your own continuing knowledge development needs
  • You will do activities that enhance your learning around different types of multi-professional/multi-agency meetings in adult and child welfare
  • You will research your role individually and get together with your other group members to develop a proposed care plan or action plan
  • You and your group will present your care plan/action plan in workshops (this will include talking about the decisions your group made about identifying the key issues in your case study, the type of multi-agency meeting your group opted for and why, legislation , theory, how you ensured service user inclusion, and your final care plan).