MGT355 Global Operations Management Sample 1


Electric cars have been reputed as a possible solution to numerous environmental issues in the modern world. Since the 1830s, electric motors development has been an area of interest to many scientists and inventors. However, the idea to have fully electric cars was developed in 2008 after the Tesla Motors Company developed the Roadster. The energy crisis was the motivation behind this advancement. Therefore this created the need for alternative technology; since the 60s, this move has been advanced and lobbied by the environmentalists. Humans have been suffering from the industrial emissions of greenhouse gases, which were believed to affect the climate significantly. Electric vehicles have no tailpipe emissions; this study aims to evaluate the environmental impacts created by electric vehicles and encourage the use of this technology. 


The invention of electric vehicles is a significant benefit to the environment because there is a severe problem faced by the climate currently, air pollution. The major contributor to this menace is the emissions from automobiles. Various effects of air pollution are known, which are greenhouse effects, acid rain, and depletion of the Ozone layer. There is a need to solve this problem before it affects the universe more. There is a need for the car manufacturing industries such as General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford, being the three leading car manufacturers to produce Electric Vehicles (EV) to clean the air and save the environment. Besides, other global car manufacturing companies will see the need to embrace Electric Vehicles to protect the environment through this move. Global Warming is an issue being questioned globally, but people have started to see it as a real concern; this is seen as the oceans. The forests are slowly soaking up the increase in the production of toxic emissions. However, other individuals argue that global Warming is a natural process that keeps the earth at a comfortable temperature for human beings and plants to thrive well. Therefore, this is a justifiable reason for society to embrace electric vehicles’ creation. However, it is not enough reason to argue that this move will resurrect the environment’s lousy state. This paper aims to explain why electric vehicles are better to save the ground, which is a risk of dying. 


The invention of electric vehicles was intended to be an alternative to gas-powered cars to contribute to the environment. The vehicles have tremendous reliability and efficiency during locomotion. This makes them be termed as the best friends to the ground because of their efforts to reduce carbon footprints to the environment. “In the United States of America, the production of Electric Vehicles have risen to 160, 620 since 2018” (Desai et al., 2018). The electric vehicles in the global transport system have increased of late because many people believe that they are clean; that notwithstanding, skeptics have debated much about the manufacturing concerns of the electric vehicles are friendlier to the environment, and this is because they have reduced the emissions of carbon to the environment. Besides, the EV uses electrical energy, which is friendly to the environment compared to petroleum, which is used on conventional locomotives. Nevertheless, the majority of the parts of the electric vehicles are manufactured of eco- friendly materials that can be recycled. Electric vehicles are friendlier and safer to use in the environment because they do not emit any carbon compounds. This is so because they use energy sources and materials that are eco-friendly.

“Electric vehicles are believed to produce few carbon emissions that contribute to climate change and smog effects” (US Department of Energy, 2020). These vehicles are friendly to the human environment because they do not produce direct emissions. This is so because the EV lacks combustion chambers like gas-powered vehicles, which produce evaporative emissions. There are hybrid electric vehicles that use gasoline with electricity; these vehicles have few emissions compared to vehicles that are purely gasoline-driven. These emissions are composed of oxides of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and smog pollutants, which are harmful to the environment and cause greenhouse effects, which would cause global Warming. Electric vehicles emit 10% of the worldwide carbon emissions as compared to gasoline vehicles, which are estimated to emit almost 44% of carbon. This indicates that the few emissions in electric vehicles make the air cleaner in neighborhoods and cities, which means an improvement in the ecological system. 

The use of electricity to electric power vehicles is safe for the environment compared to petroleum products from fossil fuels. The cycle of electric vehicles is the production of electricity. Additionally, it is safer to produce electricity because it does not produce CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) gases, which are harmful to the environment compared to petroleum products. In essence, the pollutants during electricity production are lesser than when producing electricity, bearing in mind that electricity can be made from mixing renewable and non-renewable materials. Currently, the electrical producing grids have shifted towards using renewable sources of energy, reducing the reliance on natural and coal gases. Nevertheless, alternative renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar energy to power electric vehicles have reduced the rate of pollution, thus protecting the environment. Electric cars are the “future vehicles,” as posited by Ellsmor, (2019). This is a clear indication that there is support for the sustainable development goals towards climate action to promote a cleaner environment and reduce emissions and pollution.

Electric cars are manufactured of eco-friendly parts, recycled bioproducts, promoting a clean and sustainable environment. The recycled materials utilize low water and energy compared to the production of new materials, which ensures that there is low environmental damage to extract these materials (Schmidt, 2018). This would ensure ecological balance as well as maintain the beauty of the environment. “Even if the electric cars are better for the environment there are skeptics who have argued that the lithium-ion batteries they use have sufficient carbon effects to the environment during their production of these batteries. Therefore, this has heightened questions on how neutral the electric vehicles might be” (Clack, 2010). Manufacturers of electric vehicles seek Lithium-ion batteries because they are light and efficient.    


Electric vehicles are safer for the environment than vehicles run using fuel fossils because they do not emit gases that pollute the environment. These vehicles use electrical energy, which is friendly and safe for the environment. Besides, they are manufactured with eco-friendly materials, making them better for use and clean the environment.