155100002-A21/22 Numbers and Quantitative Reasoning

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Globalization has led countries to reduce the impact of geographic barriers in international business operations and operational frameworks. This helps the business organizations to operate their business more effectively by accessing the market and resources of other countries in cost-effective ways of operations. However, when it comes to the context of the United Kingdom, the operations of Brexit result high degree of confusion and conflict. There is various discussion is taken place which concludes in favour and against Brexit operations of the UK. Amid the extensive practice of globalization, in the year 2016 UK decided to leave the EU to develop its own economic and political system different from that of the European Union (Blockmans, 2016). As the UK was the key member of the nation, the country was a key contributor to developing the high GDP of the European Union. But, the UK failed to deliver high value to its people. This caused the countrymen to face many issues related to employment, access to effective services and using basic facilities. Thus, the government of the UK decided to leave European Union to develop its own economic and commercial system. This way the country aims to deliver better value to its countrymen.

Thus this study will conduct an integrative data analysis to assess various aspects of globalization and operations followed by the United Kingdom. The study will devise its objective and research questions. The literature review of the study will develop a critical analysis of various aspects of globalization performed by the UK. A systematic research methodology, data analysis and findings will also be provided in this study. In the end, the study will be concluded by identifying if it has been successful to meet its research objectives.

1.2 Research Problem

On the verge of Brexit, the country resulted in various issues at the national and global levels. As most of the countries are focusing on leveraging their political, economic, legal and operating system to support and access the positive result of globalization effectively, the UK acted in the opposite direction of these countries in stated factors of the business. This identified the UK as an anti-globalization country (Calhoun, 2016). This negatively impacted the competitiveness of the country from a global perspective. This caused the country to face challenges to make sterling attractive, Thus, the value of sterling reduced gradually (Calhoun, 2016). This resulted in the poor economic performance of the country. The country also resulted in a high degree of inflation. Thus purchasing power of the consumers decreased considerably.

However, the country has been successful to recover from its poor economic phase. This showed that the country has been successful to take a strong move to make its operations sustainable, but, the country is still in the process to make it be reckoned as a brand. This identified the UK as a country with a volatile economy and a weak country. It made the country vulnerable to various global political and economic threats. In that context, it is required to assess if the country has performed an anti-globalization strategy or the strategy of Brexit was taken in the highest interest for the interest of the countrymen (De Grauwe, 2016). The study should also require considering the various impact of globalization from a different operational perspective. Thus, based on this research problem the complete research has been presented. In this perspective, the research aim, objective and questions of this study have been provided as below.

1.3 Research Aim and Objectives

Research Aim:

This study aims to assess anti-globalization discourses in the debates – concerning Brexit.

Research Objective:

Objective Three: To analyze the degree to which journals and newspapers covered Brexit.

1.4 Research Questions

The various research questions of the study have been discussed below.

Research Questions: How do the journals and Newspapers cover Brexit?

1.5 Research Rationale

The study will assess various aspects of globalization from the perspective of the UK. The country has faced a considerable degree of criticism for following Brexit operations. It has been marked as the country is performing anti-globalization operations. This negatively impacted the economic aspect of the country. There are many research presence that shows that impact or reason of Brexit, Many types of research identified that Brexit resulted in a positive result for the UK, whereas, many showed that it resulted in negative aspects for the country (Calhoun, 2016). But, the researchers failed to identify that if the country is performing anti-globalization operations. In that context, the view of the countrymen holds a lot of significance. Since the event was resulted as per the votes provided by the countrymen. This way this study will conduct an integrative assessment to assess the country has implemented anti-globalization norms. The study will also assess the role of politicians in the globalization aspect of the UK (Blockmans, 2016). Since Brexit was implemented by politicians of the country. The country faced inflation post Brexit operations as the value of the Sterling fell (De Grauwe, 2016). This caused political leaders to take many initiatives to support effective business operations within the country. Their active involvement and support from economists have led the country to revive its economy from inflation. In that context, it is required to assess the impact of Brexit on the political aspect of the country. This study will assess this aspect of the globalization of the UK from various perspectives.

1.6 Structure of the Study

The structure of the study has been provided as below.

Chapter one: It is the introductory chapter. This chapter will identify the background of the study, research problems and research rationale. The study will also discuss the research aim, research objectives and research questions. Thus, this chapter will provide the basic framework of the study.

Chapter two: This chapter will provide a theoretical background of the study. It will provide the literature review by critically evaluating various aspects of information gathered from secondary sources such as journals and articles.

Chapter three: This chapter will provide the research methodology and research plan for the study. The research philosophy, research approach, research strategy and data analysis plan will be provided in this chapter.

Chapter four: This chapter will represent the data findings. In this study, only secondary research will be conducted to evaluate various aspects of the study.

Chapter five: This chapter will represent the data analysis. In this study, the data findings will be critically analyzed to find out the result.

Chapter six: This is a concluding chapter. This chapter will assess if the research has been successful to meet its objectives. Based on the overall analysis, the study will provide feasible recommendations to enhance the globalization aspect of the UK.

Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The study will provide a conceptual framework for the analysis. With the help of various journals and articles, it will provide a critical analysis of globalization and its impact on the UK. In this context, the economic issues of the UK such as Brexit, inflation and political aspect will also be critically evaluated. In the end, the literature review will be concluded by providing a summary.

2.2 Brexit and Media

Brexit would separate the UK from the operations of European nations. The UK plays a key role in supporting the productivity of overall Europe for a long past. The low cost of human resources such as immigrants in the country is responsible for the considerate productivity of European nations. In that context, before Brexit, the UK was required to follow the norms, rules and regulations of the UN. This caused the country to not focus on its concern for the people of the UK. Thus with the effect of Brexit, the country would be able to develop its own operational and legal framework to support its people and their interest (Los et al. 2017). In this context, random promotions in journals  (Blockmans, 2016). Calhoun (2016) argued that due to negative word of mouth promoted by various media channels, caused the country to close its connection from another part of the world. Thus it will practice operations against the norms of globalization. In that context, the country faced various operational and financial issues such as the declined value of sterling, the presence of poor legal and operational framework, the inefficiency of managing the changes in the economy (Calhoun, 2016). This way led the country to reduce its global importance considerably and the key people who suffered from it was the common people of the country.

According to Bhambra (2017), Brexit impacted the business operations of the companies which had integrated supply chain networks. As the UK would separate from the European Nation, the companies which used to own its supply chain from other countries, they require to pay tax to access the resources from their suppliers and distributors. This increases the cost of business operations. The companies are also required to pay added money to access products from their own companies. This makes the business operations of UK based companies challenging. Thus, the profitability of many companies suffers due to the impact of Brexit. Pettifor (2017) argued, in the long-term perspective, the companies will be able to leverage positive outcomes from the business operations. Since it will help them to make the products branded as “Made in the UK”. It will help the companies to achieve a considerate degree of competitive advantages by developing their products in the UK. This news promoted by various journals resulted in the highest reach of this information. This helped to develop confidence in the business segment in UK and investors across the world. Thus, the people of the UK have been able to make more informed decisions in favour or against Brexit. The companies will also be able to access their native resources and technology. Thus the companies will be able to make the business sustainable from a long-term perspective. However, Farrell and Newman (2017) contradicted that, due to the impact of Brexit, the country has developed stringent labour norms such as restricting the opportunity of immigrants to support the interest of native people. This way the cost of human resources of the companies increases. Since, before Brexit, skilled immigrants were the potential source of the companies for accessing effective human resources. Thus, Brexit impacted negatively the operational aspects of the companies.

This way Brexit restricted the scope of common people to access positive factors of globalization. The country faced economic issues such as inflation, unemployment and various other operational issues. This way it negatively impacted the growth and productivity of the country.

2.3 Various Aspects of Anti Globalization

According to Kostadinova (2017), the key agenda of making an integrated European Union is to share the resources of all the countries. It was aimed that this synergy will help to ensure positive business outcomes and the countries will be able to achieve better growth of GDP. The people of the countries also became successful to access low cost of living, high job opportunities and better facilities to meet the household needs. In that context, the countries developed integrated legal and political frameworks, which were required to follow all the members of the European Union.  These liberal norms of integrated policies also increased the competition in the share of resources among countries. In the European Nation, the UK was the key country to support its business operations. However, the people of the country faced it challenging to make their lives sustainable and productive due to the presence of low-cost immigrants. Therefore, the UK decided to separate itself from the rest of the European Union to provide better facilities to its common people. De Grauwe (2016) argued this separation of the large economy such as the European Union caused the country to take anti-globalization measures. In that context, the country failed to take necessary measures to make it more acceptable to globalization. Due to the changes in global norms and business aspects, the country has failed to liberalize its economic system. This negatively impacts its overall aspect of practising globalization.

Hobolt (2016) identified, taking anti-globalization mechanisms caused the country to make itself less attractive to the global investors. This resulted fall in the value of sterling. It led the household to suffer more due to the impact of Brexit. Thus, in the present global economy, practising anti-globalization measures does not result in potential results for the economy of the country. Dhingra et al. (2017) argued that, due to the impact of globalization, the UK could not be able to focus on the welfare of its native people. It resulted in a decline in the GDP of the UK, whereas, it had increased contribution in the GDP of the European Union. This led the country to become more confident in its strength. This led the country to separate its operations from European Union.

According to Cumming and Zahra (2016), globalization is based on the concept is that there will be a free flow of information, cash, products and services. Thus the countries will operate on economic equilibrium. But, the fall of the World Trade Center identified that the key flaws of globalization were that the financial aspect of the businesses was centred in a certain sector of the developed countries such as the USA. This resulted in the norms for the banks to supervise the money by themselves. This way it reduces the focus of operations of capital management from any specific segments of the global economy. In that context, this act of divergence can also be counted as a step towards anti-globalization. Váradi et al. (2016) argued that the divergence of managing financial operations in the global economy is based on the norms of share of economic power among countries. In that context, the economy of the UK also aims to develop its financial power to meet the global norms effectively. This would lead the country to regain the value of sterling in the global economy post Brexit. However, as it lost its support from European Union, the value of Sterling still stood at a dwindling stage (Calhoun, 2016). This way if the UK, does not take strategies in favour of globalization, it will not be able to make its operations considerably sustainable.

2.4 Globalization and Politics

In 2016, key incidents such as Brexit and the US presidential election shook world politics. Due to the impact of globalization, these two political aspects did not restrict it as a national movement. But, it has impacted global political aspects. Thus, the impact of globalization plays a key role in ensuring the success of every aspect of the business. The dependence of bilateral agreements such as the UK-Japan FTA, UK- France agreement does not help much in enhancing the overall relationship with the countries. The verge of separation of the UK from the European Union will cause the country to develop several bilateral agreements with the organizations. This impacts negatively on the political image of the UK (Adler-Nissen et al. 2017). The country would find it challenging to develop better political relationships with other countries. Blockmans (2016) mentioned that being a part of the European Nation would provide the country better confidence to make any key business and political operations. Since, it provided better economic, political and business support to the UK. The political parties of the country took the help of the media channels effectively to convince consumers for and against voting for Brexit.

However, Brexit negatively impacted the political aspects of the country. Holden (2017) argued that Brexit would facilitate the country to focus on its business agenda more precisely. It will be able to safeguard its interest. This will facilitate the country to frame political strategies without much influence from other countries. This way it will be able to practice a considerate degree of secularism. The UK has got effective support and expertise by operating as one of the key countries in the European Union. This expertise will help to invest in its new political agenda to mitigate the risk presented in operating as a new country in the world political system. In this context, the news promoted by various media channels facilitated the consumers to make informed decisions for their business investment, selecting career opportunities and travelling within various parts of the UK and European Nation

However, according to Crescenzi et al. (2018), due to the political operations of Russia, the USA and China, the UK faces a high degree of political threat to make its political operations sustainable from a global perspective. The country is facing various challenges and threats from other countries. These threats can be identified as terrorist attacks, breaches of digital norms and many others. To face these challenges as a standalone political system made its political operations critical. Calhoun (2016) identified that many countries consider the political system of the UK as weaker than other countries to survive potential external environmental threats. Blockmans (2016) argued that, in the face of recession, the country has been successful to recover its economy from the impact of high inflation. This shows the strength of the country to face any challenges in the global political system. This way the country shows its confidence to operate its political system more effective by taking necessary decisions to support its economic and political operations.

2.5 Conceptual Framework

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Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Source: (Blockmans, 2016)

The above diagram is the conceptual framework of this research. As the study discussed various aspects of globalization, the key aspect would be discussed on the economic synergy and stability of various aspects of the country. In that context, the globalization of production, market, competition, technology and corporations and industry put a considerable impact on the economic operations of the country. But, in the other aspects, the performance of various aspects of the economy also impact the above-identified factors. Thus, globalization brings synergy and integration in all the processes and factors of the economies with other key operational factors of the country.

The study discussed that Brexit is the key cause that led international attention to the performance of the UK economy. In that context, it has been accorded that the UK is performing anti-globalization mechanisms. However, the UK has been able to revive the value of the Sterling and reduce the negative impact of inflation. Being a member of the European Union did not lead the country to safeguard the interest of its native people (Hobolt, 2016). Thus, Brexit is a step forward to developing its brand image in the global scenario. Thus, the study identified that Brexit is not an anti-globalization move.

Chapter Three: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

This chapter will provide a research methodology for the complete study. It will identify the research philosophy, approach, design and other processes to be followed in the research. In that context, this section will also identify the sample units and ethical norms to be followed. Various aspects of the research methodology have been discussed below.

3.2 Research Philosophy

In business research, two key types of research philosophies are followed. These are interpretivism and positivism. The interpretivism philosophy identifies that the views and opinions of the respondents are key important to devise the hypothesis of the study. The interpretivism philosophy identifies take the view and responses of cultural existence and change can be incorporated in the context of what people think, what they confer and the meaning they presuppose. However, the positivism philosophy identifies that the hypothesis of the research can be tested and evaluated based on the notion of the generalized and accepted theory of practice. This resembles the laws of gravity applied to the falling of an apple (Lewis, 2015). Thus, if the same aspect of the study is assessed at different times under the same theoretical aspect, it will result in the same outcome. This results in a standardized process of research implications.

Selection: This study will follow an interpretivism research philosophy.

Justification: In this study, it is required to assess the feedback of common people to assess their sentiments for the event of Brexit. There is no established hypothesis in this aspect of the study. Therefore, it requires assessing the view of common people in this perspective. Thus, in this study interpretivism research philosophy will be followed.

3.3 Research Strategy

In management science, two key types of research strategies are followed. These are inductive research and deductive research. Inductive research is a bottom-up approach, whereas, deductive research is a top-down approach. In inductive research, the key process is performing observation, developing patterns in data, developing hypotheses from the pattern and developing theory from the hypothesis. Thus, when there is no hypothesis of the research is present, this research strategy becomes effective. In the context of deductive research, the process of analysis becomes the opposite of that of deductive research. In this process, based on the established hypothesis, the data analysis is conducted (BNS and HV, 2013). Results of the data analysis were used to confirm the research hypothesis. This way the deductive research is focused on conforming hypotheses, whereas, inductive research is focused on developing hypotheses.

Selection: This study will follow a deductive research approach.

Justification: There are many types of research and articles developed to assess the impact of Brexit on the UK or other related countries. Since Brexit has impacted the global economy, this analysis helps to put light on various aspects of operations of countries under the purview of globalization. But, there is no established hypothesis to assess, if the country is taking anti-globalization measures to follow Brexit norms. In that context, it is considered important to assess the view of common people and businessmen as they are the ones who have voted in against or for Brexit. Thus, this study will collect data to develop the hypothesis, of the UK is taking anti-globalization measures. In that context, the deductive research approach will be suitable for this study.

3.4 Research Strategy

Different research strategies are followed in

Content Analysis: However, consulting a large number of secondary sources helps to recheck the information provided and enhances the quality of the study.

Selection: The study will be developed on content analysis


In the offline channel, there is various information available for the impact on Brexit. These contents will help to cost-effectively conduct the research. Therefore, in this study content analysis method will be followed.

3.5 Research Design:

In media and communication, different types of research designs are followed. These are descriptive research, exploratory research and explanatory research. Various aspects of these researches areas are discussed below.

Descriptive Research: In this type of research, the study is conducted to assess various aspects of a product, solution or business operations. This study helps to assess the characteristics of any product, process or service. It facilitates quantitative analysis (Dumay and Cai, 2015). Therefore, conductive surveys and analysis of data play a key role in conducting descriptive research.

Exploratory Research: In the context of the study, where there is no established hypothesis or pre-analyzed data, conducting exploratory research helps to meet the research outcomes. This exploratory research helps to conduct digging in information to find the root cause of any issues which was not addressed before (Mackert et al. 2014). Thus, exploratory research helps to bring out new information for the study.

Explanatory Research: This research helps to identify the cause and effect relationship for any social issue. The research is conducted more focused on qualitative analysis. However, this research also supports quantitative analysis (Abdulghani et al. 2014). The conducted survey helps to identify the relationship between various variables used in the study. The data helps to identify information to find the key reason or the cause for any social event.

Selection: The study will follow an exploratory research design.

Justification: In this study, the data collected from secondary resources will be considered for the study. Since there is various information available in UK media platforms such as UK newspapers to assess the impact of Brexit, a critical analysis of the post Brexit scenario will be conducted based on these data. Therefore, the study will be developed based on an exploratory research design.

3.6 Data Collection Method and Tool

The data collection method plays a key part in the development of research methodology. In this study, both primary and secondary data will be collected to ensure effective outcomes from the study. These data will facilitate conduct the of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Thus, the data collection method and tools to be used in this research have been discussed below.

Quantitative data collection method:

The quantitative data will be collected for this study with the help of the survey process. The data gathered from the survey process will be represented in graphical format. The responses provided by the respondents will be converted into numerical terms (Üstün and Eryilmaz, 2014). This will help to assess data based on statistical formulae such as ratio, percentage and others. It will help to identify trends in the data to enhance its degree of outcome.

Justification: As large numbers of structured questions will be asked to various respondents, it will result in a large number of data. The quantitative analysis will help to effectively manage, the large chunk of data. It will also help to identify key trends present in the dataset. This way quantitative analysis of this study will make conducting the study feasible.

Qualitative data collection method:

The Qualitative analysis of data will help to conduct an in-depth analysis of the topic which could not be achieved through the quantitative analysis method. This process of analysis will facilitate the identification of crucial information present in the study. The key tool useful for qualitative analysis is secondary research (Alghamdi and Li, 2013). This process helps assess any key perspective of the study from various perspectives. This way the study will help to enhance its analytical aspects from various aspects.

Justification: Due to the high importance of Brexit, the media sector of the UK captured various aspects and impacts of the event from many different perspectives. Thus, the qualitative data analysis method leveraging the secondary sources will facilitate enhancing the effective outcome of the study.

Primary and Secondary data:

Primary and Secondary data:

The primary data are raw data collected directly from various respondents. Thus, this data shows the real feedback of the consumers. If this data is analyzed with the help of an effective analytical model, the study will help to assess the market trends effectively. In contrast to this, the secondary data are pre-analyzed. This data facilitates to access necessary information cost-effectively (Isaacs, 2014). Apart from that, the secondary data also helps to assess the authenticity of the result generated from the primary data research. This way an effective analysis is conducted through primary and secondary data analysis.

Justification: The secondary data will be used to develop its literature review to support the outcome of the study from a theoretical perspective.

3.7 Research Limitation

This research contains various degrees of limitation. This negatively impacts the quality of the study. However, to ensure effective outcomes from this research, it is required to identify the limitation of the research before starting its operations. In that context, various limitations of this study have been discussed below.

The limited time of the study also acted as a key limitation for the research. It is required to submit the project within the stipulated timeline. This large number of people could not be interrogated for the survey process.

However, to overcome the negative aspect of this limitation, the key focus was put forth to complete the research as effective as possible by leveraging secondary sources. This provided a high degree of reach and efficiency to complete the task within the financial and time constraint.

Chapter Four: Quantitative Data Findings

4.1 Introduction

This research work has aimed to examine information as well as data and their findings of the research which have been utilized in this study. This is needed to indulge a secondary research work has been conducted by the findings which have been framed a firm conclusion of the similar.

4.2 Frequency of articles

The retrieved articles have showcased a core insight into the coverage of the Anti-globalization discourses and the Brexit debates of the claimed role of huge data in the democratic procedure of the Brexit referendum of the year 2016. About 20 articles from the journals have been retrieved. In this chapter of data findings, primarily qualitative data analysis has been utilized some quantitative data analyses has been utilized to assist the researchers in understanding the context of the theme of the research work in a better way. These journals will help to develop a content analysis effectively to support the information of the events effectively. This way an effective content analysis will be conducted.

The research work has been detected the frequency of the approved articles assisting the theme of the huge information as well as Brexit from both the newspapers and journals throughout the selected timescale. The key media sources will be used as Lexis Nexis, Anders Hansen, Machin and others.  The key journals used in this study are Open economy politics and Brexit: insights, puzzles, and ways forward; Brexit: initial reflections; Re-Doubling the Crises of the Welfare State: The impact of Brexit on UK welfare politics; The Brexit vote: a divided nation, a divided continent and others.

The frequency of the newspapers is as follows:

Month Frequency level
September 2016 1
October 2016 0
November 2016 1
December 2016 0
January 2017 4
February 2017 3
March 2017 5
April 2017 0
May 2017 3
June 2017 0
July 2017 0
August 2017 0
September 2017 1

Table 4.1 Frequency level of newspapers

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Figure 4.1 Frequency levels of newspapers

The frequency of the journals is as follows:

Month Frequency level
September 2016 0
October 2016 1
November 2016 1
December 2016 0
January 2017 1
February 2017 3
March 2017 6
April 2017 4
May 2017 5
June 2017 1
July 2017 1
August 2017 0
September 2017 0

Table 4.2 Frequency levels of journals

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Figure 4.2 Frequency levels of journals

The highest point of the newspaper articles like Guardian and Telegraph is the months of January, February, March and May of the year 2017. This is because of the prime two causes. These are as follows: The sample frame of this study are newspapers and journals.

  • The connection to the activity of the Cambridge Analytical to the results of the Brexit referendum.
  • The disclosure of the claimed responsibility of huge data in the campaign of Trump.

Moreover, this has been analyzed for many months that the number of newspapers which are featuring this context have been reduced. The reason is mainly for the General Elections of the United Kingdom of the year 2017 which feasibly the interest of the newspapers not to negatively impact their coverage of the elections.

4.3 Kinds of articles

On the other hand, it has been seen that in the journals, the highest point is in February, March, April and May of the year 2017. The final point is in March while the United Kingdom has activated officially to distinguish the European Union (EU). This has been spontaneous over the rest of the months with the thinking which has evolved in April to arrange for a fresh General Election. This is their strength which is to try to take such a subject in front of the public before the General Election of the year 2017. In addition, this is to alert that huge information as well as micro focusing may and impact the results of this General Election because this allegedly finished for the referendum of Brexit.

Kind Newspapers Journals
Investigate reports 2 5
Political articles 15 20
Opinions 13 5
Editorials 2 3
Total 32 33

Table 4.3 Number of articles kind per resource

There is a visible comparison in between the way the newspapers have covered the responsibilities of huge information, as well as the newspapers, have done. The performance of the newspaper is deep, rich and thorough. The newspapers have published editorials to showcase their stance and views on the problem of huge information as well as their threat to democracy and privacy. The investigative reports, the journals have showcased to their readers a very in-core insight on the way huge data is utilized in aiming voters in both the United States Presidential elections of the year 2016 and the referendum of Brexit in the year 2016. It has been found that the reports have tried to reveal the finances, the actors, techniques and the influence of these practices over the problems of democracy and privacy.

In addition, the journals have not showcased as deep coverage as the newspapers. This has aimed more on the official answers of the Office of Information Commissioner, the Parliament, the Electoral Commission and the Government of the United Kingdom. The coverage of the newspapers is weak in comparison with the journals. With this investigation, there emerges a question regarding their responsibility towards assessing the public regarding the problem which concerns to be a warning to their democratic and privacy rights.

4.4 Prime themes

At the time of investigating the recovered articles, this research work has recognized the context based on the two prime themes delivering the motive of this study. These are as follows:

  • Huge data as well as individual security
  • Huge information as well as practices of democracy

Therefore, the investigation on the way both the newspapers and journals are maintained such themes. The aim of the coverage of the newspapers is on the evolution of fake information or news as well as their impact on the democracies. There is little coverage on the connection of the fake information which has huge information as well as their warning to democracy. Moreover, it has been found that it has been tried to connect fake information with the voter aiming and huge data at the time of both the United States Presidential Elections as well as Brexit. It has also been informed that the misuse of information has formed an alarming impact on internet blind spots as well as free speech which are disturbing democracy.

On the other hand, in the journals, the coverage is deeper and it has been published on the journals showcasing their posture on the responsibility of huge information as well as their undermining responsibility in the contemporary democracies. Moreover, it has been found that the data collected regarding the prime themes create the political system endangered to fresh creations of manipulation. The model of democracy is related to the campaign of the public followed by voting in private. Such establishments have been warned to turn such upside down. This is because; the intention of voting is very publicly recognized but the debates which put an impact on them are created in secret. The frequency of democracy based on the feature in both the journals and newspapers has been showcased in the following table.

Factor Journals Newspapers
Democracies 0 3
Democracy 40 20
Democratic 30 15

Table 4.4 Frequency of democracy

The frequency of privacy based on the feature in both the journals and newspapers has been showcased in the following table.

Factor Journals Newspapers
Private 10 3
Privacy 20 15

Table 4.5 Frequency of privacy

It is a clear comparison between the newspaper and the journals covered the theme of huge data, as well as their claim, put an impact on the referendum of Brexit outcomes as well as the way the journals have done. This is the interest of the public which they are processed of any subject which alerts their rights and responsibilities. A warning such as the monopoly of huge information analytics has on their rights as well as democracies. For instance, the claimed impact of huge data analytics on the year 2016 of the referendum of Brexit. The newspapers have evolved such a type of role as well as created present spaces. In addition, it has invested strengths, money and time to make sure the recognition of the public. This is evident from the structure of the space the newspaper provided to complete this theme as well as the kind of journalistic parts which have been formed.

On contrary, it can also be informed that journals do not have as such coverage or create present sufficient space as well as resources to manage this theme in comparison with the newspapers have done. The referendum of Brexit is a very essential part of the United Kingdom and Europe’s history. This is needed from the media to activate an important responsibility to make sure the procedure of democracy has not faced any issue. Moreover, manipulation of the voters by creating aim messages related to the personal information recovered without their agreement can be received as a breach of data security responsibilities as well as a warning to democracy. It has been found that this belongs in between the percentiles of 75 and 90 on the range of income distribution globally. About 86% of such demography belongs to the advanced economy. Therefore, this is quite understandable if the reason anti-globalization discourse is earning so much momentum in the established countries.  However, emerging countries have been capable to harvest advantages of globalization as this presently gains a much huger share of world GDP (Gross Domestic Product). This has also observed a reduction of dependency on foreign aid, lower maternal and child mortality as well as maximized life expectancy.

As for the journals, this has occurred that the role of social responsibility coexisted with their rest stance on the referendum of Brexit. Thus, their drastic coverage of the responsibility of huge information is in the Brexit referendum of the year 2016.

From the findings, the one research question of this study has been answered. This is as follows:

  • How do the journals and newspapers cover Brexit?

There is a striking comparison in between the data interacted to the public by the newspapers and journals both. This is also clear that the newspapers have contributed to the public with the aid of comprehensive proximity on the warning of huge information on many several scales. Moreover, the newspapers have contributed to their audience with data regarding the responsibility of huge information, their warning to privacy as well as democracy. This also revealed the finances behind this, organizations, who utilized this to aim audiences. Moreover, it can be said that this has characterized ideas from the media, politicians and science experts of the data. This has been introduced a campaign recommending for more tough laws in data protection on the international as well as a national scale.

The journals as described have not created a thorough examination as the newspapers. This has aimed more on the news regarding the organization of watchdog as well as answers from the parliamentarians as well as government officials. The actual article which has provided a little depth in the examination into the subject is the article in journals. Moreover, this study also recognized the two prime subjects in the context of both the journals and newspapers; democratic as well as huge information practices as well as their warning and huge data to security. Such two prime subjects are characterized excessively in the recovered articles from journals and newspapers. Therefore, there is a comparison of the way the two prime subjects are approached as well as highlighted in both journals and newspapers.

This research work has experienced the hypothesis which the political posture of media outlets influences their social responsibility as well as therefore, the coverage of problems of worry to the public. Moreover, the research work has found that the journals have applied a deep coverage of the subject when the coverage of newspapers is very less. This has emerged a question regarding the way the journals look at their responsibility towards society. This study believes that the decision of the newspaper of coverage may have been calculated. Such kind of decision can be for several causes. This is very likely this is based on its leave posture on Brexit. This is the reason; this study has been believed that this is feasible that the journals down-tuned the claimed responsibility of huge information on the outcomes of the referendum of Brexit of the year 2016. That is why; this study has concluded that the media needs to perform more responsible towards the society of the United Kingdom. In addition, they need not let any sort of political posture stop this from uttering the truth.

The key findings of this research work are as follows:

  • With the oddity of Irish media, coverage has highlighted an absence of anxiety regarding the influence of Brexit in Europe as well as the future of the European Union. In case, the Irish sources are eliminated, about 65% of the investigated European news products have been reported on the condition of British, more little than one in 6 articles has analyzed applications for the European Union.
  • About 60% of the coverage has dealt with the risks the United Kingdom itself may be facing. Such structure has maximized while the coverage of Irish is excluded.
  • While the European media products receive a rank on the UK government and the UK for about 15%, their opinion is mainly critical as well as negative for about 70%.
  • Of such media products which have received a rank on Brexit, about 7.9% are pro-Brexit. In addition, it has opposed to about 74.9% against.
  • The media coverage of the Europe of Brexit is mainly fact-related as well as neutral. Moreover, about 83% of the investigated news products have received no rank in terms of Brexit. However, about 17% has acknowledged a transparent idea.

Backers of Brexit and Trump are united in what the globe has become as well as alleged to care regarding the worries of normal people like space, jobs and resources threatened by newcomers as well as remote fears such as maximized terrorism as well as crime. Abandoning the flawless of the European Union is ironic thinking for the United Kingdom, the nation that developed open and free global marketing. It can also be found that the isolationism of Trump is an establishment of a United States marketing dating back to the past as well as have shared by most of their renowned presidents. There is a prime risk in the greatest champions of the globalization of the academies in the institutions. The vote to vacate the European Union is described by the grievances of the product alone. The vote to quit has to cooperate with the refreshed understandings of nationalism as the world but not as the parochial. Moreover, it has been found that the European Union has failed to secure their population from the economic model of the world which most people believe is not performing for them. Brexit is a momentous occurrence in European history as well as at present on the narrative may be one of non-amalgamation but not amalgamation. It has also been found that one answer to the Brexit vote from the remaining of Europe has been that a hard line needs to be received with the British to showcase other countries in which dissent has occurred. This may only create matters worse. Voters have grievances of legitimacy regarding the economic system which has failed them.

The emerging famous sentiments against globalization was seized to engineer the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Political leadership has created works in being stepped out because of automation, old industries being dismissed as well an influx of new coming to a prime point. Political leadership has aimed at the loss of jobs to the immigrants. At the time of the apprehension over job loss among citizens is palpable but on a political level, it was not clear that jobs will stand to be lost in case not to newcomers than to telerobotics or automation.

Calling worries over an absence of leadership, uncertainties connected to the future of British bonding with the European Union as well as terrify regarding the future of the European Union citizens of non-British who are living in Britain. From the perspective of globalization in politics, the international condition has emerged from the two massive wars. The establishment of political globalization needs the international society to develop a new international method as well as the countries to acknowledge each other in the exchanges of the international, bargain on a footing of equality as well as accomplish mutual advantage as well as prosperous outcomes. Moreover, it has been found in the journals that the long-term practice of isolationism in the United Kingdom is no longer the rank of the huge strengths of the previous. In case the contemporary countries desire to establish in the international society, they should communicate and also the political globalization needs a new international economic and political order for the international establishment outskirt as well as external cooperation and interaction for the international society. The incident of Brexit has provided a new understanding of the globalization of politics. This is not a fresh military or political alliance. Moreover, the political changes in the international society may have more creations like a non-ranged amalgamation between the nations. With the diversification of the inter-subjects of international, the price of the international transformations may be minimized as well as the unequal international political order may be reduced. Globalization is not the union of all nations or the change of strength to an event but becomes a down-top global fact; this breaks the outlines of space and time as well as secures all the international communities to interact as well as without any obligations.

4.5 Summary

With the aid of the secondary data collection in research work, this is very transparent to the situation of the nation, the United Kingdom with the anti-globalization discourses and the Brexit debates. This can be investigated that political leadership contends that the tax regime and regulations have imposed by European Union has been hurting the interests of the country for a long time.

Chapter Five: Analysis

5.1 Introduction

This section focuses on the analysis of secondary data to determine the anti-globalisation discourse that is happening across the world and specifically in the context of the United Kingdom. It discusses the implementation of an anti-globalisation strategy that may be undertaken across jurisdictions and about Brexit. It seeks to determine the role of politicians concerning anti-globalization in the United Kingdom. It was ascertained that there were varying manners in which the Brexit campaign was covered by the media. The United Kingdom media had a decisive role in the outcome of the Brexit Referendum. It was specifically true in the context of the delivery of messages in journals. The exit from European Union was largely influenced by the targeted messages through journals.

5.2 Anti-globalisation discourse

Anti-globalisation movement: The anti-globalisation discourse or the movement in the present day context primarily revolves around corrective measures against the impact of economic globalization. The underlying objective of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union is to take back authority from Union which was instrumental in formulating economic regulations and sanctions that were deemed to be hurting the country. The wave of anti-globalisation movement or discourse is not restricted to the United Kingdom. It is proving to be prevalent across the world being more prevalent in developed countries. This anti-globalization discourse has also increasingly gained prominence in the United States of America which chooses to put “America first”. According to Frère (2018), consequently, it has the impact of restricting the free flow of trade, the impact of tariff and duties along with rigid and stricter immigration policies. While globalization, to a certain extent, opened up the boundaries for greater integration of the world market, anti-globalisation discourse or movement seeks to reverse the impacts that may have been generated out of globalization. The most potent point in the anti-globalisation discourse postulates that greater globalization may end up making citizens of a country apprehensive of the rights and privileges that they enjoy. As indicated by Bende-Nabende (2017), globalisation had invariably led to jobs being outsourced and local people or citizens suffering from undercut in wages.

Anti-globalisation discourse in the United Kingdom: The dominant perception of the citizens in the United Kingdom is that globalization has not been successful in bringing significant income gains to them. Statistical figures indicate that the demographic worst hit in terms of relative gains in income between 1988 and 2008 is the global upper-middle caste. It belongs in between the 75th and 90th percentiles on the scale of the global income distribution. 86% of this demographic belong to the advanced economies (manchester. ac. the UK, 2018). Hence it is quite understandable why anti-globalisation discourse is gaining so much momentum in developed countries.  On the other hand, developing countries have been able to reap the benefits of globalization as it presently earns a much larger share of the world Gross Domestic Product. It has also witnessed reduced dependency on foreign aid, lower maternal and child mortality and an increase in life expectancy (manchester. ac. the UK, 2018). Arguably, augmented global trade has led to stagnation of the advanced countries that ended up having adverse fallouts in terms of reduction in employment among others.  The anti-globalization discourse is not merely focused on the economic aspects of it but also include anti-immigration arguments and the dominance of right-wing politics across developed nations. Hence, it can be determined that Brexit is the direct culmination of a measure that is antithetical to globalization (theguardian.com, 2016). The most potent argument in the anti-globalisation discourse in the context of the United Kingdom is that it has led to abysmal low wages for its workers and inequality within the society (independent.co.uk, 2016).

5.3 Implementation of the anti-globalisation strategy

Strategies: The tactics or the strategies used concerning anti-globalisation may be varied but the underlying aims of all these strategies are to tighten the national boundaries so that jobs are protected and not outsourced. It will ensure that citizens or local people have employment and wage sees an upward revision. An offshoot of such attempts also includes rigid immigration policies so that the proliferation of immigration in a particular developed country is checked and the resources are entirely vested with the citizens. As observed by Mols and Jetten (2018), such an anti-globalisation strategy usually aims at restricting the movement of people, money and goods across international borders. The political tools that are employed as an anti-globalisation strategy may include revision of existing trade agreements between a developed and a developing country, imposition of punitive taxes of companies originating in the developed country but investing overseas, renegotiation or withdrawal from bilateral treaty agreements, the establishment of harsh tariffs to restrict companies from off-shoring jobs or manufacturing and restricting an influx of immigrants (brookings.edu, 2016). As stated by Gros (2016), the impact of the anti-globalization strategies will primarily include the developed country turning inward and partially withdrawing from the global economy. In such a way, the global economy is bound to be affected and the expulsion of a greater number of immigrants and restrictions on future entry would necessarily alter the global economy.

Strategies in the United Kingdom: In the context of Brexit in the United Kingdom, the protectionist policies undertaken by the country will be reciprocated in terms of aggressive trade policies, imposition of excess tariff on imports and imposition of tax on products manufactured in the United Kingdom among others. The anti-immigration sentiment was the underpinning objective of the anti-globalisation measures in the United Kingdom (telegraph.co.uk, 2017). It was fueled against immigrant European Union workers with a clear anti-European union element. Strong sentiments of citizens against globalization are because low skilled jobs in a developed country have moved to better cost jurisdictions.  Consequently, it led to strong discontent in a huge number of unskilled workers in the developed country who are deprived of employment opportunities. It has given rise to a structural imbalance that is unlikely to be addressed at the expense of uncompetitive cost to upskill local workers for purposes of hiring them. Such development is instrumental in facilitating the implementation of anti-globalisation strategies that lead to a culture of protectionism. Concerning the United Kingdom, citizens were discontent with European Union immigrants availing of state-sponsored subsidies or benefits (bbc.com, 2018). Those resources could have been entirely vested with the citizens of the country.

5.4 Role of politicians concerning anti-globalization in the United Kingdom

Contribution of political leadership: Political leadership in the United Kingdom aligned itself with the rise of the far right-wing that would necessarily implement a harsh regime on immigrants and undertake protectionist policies for upholding the interest of its citizens. As noted by Menon and Salter (2016), with an exit from the European Union, the United Kingdom has put in place the mechanism that would ultimately see the much-restricted movement of goods products and services across its border. The politicians utilized the popular public sentiment against European Union immigrants availing of state benefits. As mentioned by Ford and Goodwin (2017), with the exit from the European Union, the United Kingdom has to no longer adhere to the regulations, taxes and tariff rates imposed by the European Union. Political leadership contended that the regulatory and tax regime imposed by European Union has been hurting the interests of the country for a long time. The rise in popular sentiments against globalization was seized to engineer the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. As stated by Matthijs (2017), political leadership had made jobs being phased out due to automation, old industries being eliminated and the influx of immigration a rallying point. It is due to these reasons that the Brexit referendum was shadowed by immigration concerns. Political leadership focused on the loss of jobs to the immigrants. While the apprehension over job loss among citizens is palpable but on a political level, it was not clear that jobs will stand to be lost if not to immigrants then to automation or telerobotics. It would mark the advent of virtual migration (bbc.com, 2017).

Response of political leadership to the concern of citizens: Anti-globalization feeling is fanned among the worker as they are not taken care of by the employers or government for consequences arising out of automation as opposed to Japan. As argued by David (2015), with greater automation and job loss there are increasing adverse political and social consequences that are focused on by the politicians. The primary role of politicians is to the mobilization of public opinion to leave the European Union that acts as their contribution to the anti-globalisation measures in the country. Globalization brought to the United Kingdom deregulation and cessation of power over-regulation and trade to the European Union and the World Trade Organisation. As observed by McCann (2016), the Brexit vote indicated that globalization had failed to deliver its promise in delivering a significantly better standard of living to citizens across the board. It is argued by Coyle (2016), It is because engagement of trade with low wage countries is associated with the European Union, especially with countries having huge low wage labour forces. It consequently put a downwards pressure on wages of the workers residing in the United Kingdom. Effectively the working classes have witnessed little income growth for which the political leadership is answerable. Hence, it was instrumental in the anti-globalisation drive in the United Kingdom.

5.5 Impact of Brexit on the political scenario in the United Kingdom

Negotiation of the agreement by political leadership: The referendum and subsequent exit from the European Union stand to have a huge impact on the political scenario of the United Kingdom. It is incumbent upon the political leadership to undertake and comply with the subsequent processes involves in the negotiation of the Withdrawal Agreement. As observed by Taylor-Gooby (2017), there is immense pressure on the political leaders and tension in the political scenario in general concerning negotiating favourable future access. However, as argued by Owen and Walter (2017), it is alleged that the political leaders of the United Kingdom are unable to discern the nuances and comprehend the customs union and single market. On the other hand, European Union negotiators are not conversant with the political significance of Northern Ireland (euractiv.com, 2018). These information asymmetries have made the negotiations of the agreement difficult and that has rendered an undue amount of ambiguity in the political scenario of the United Kingdom. There is an onus out on political leaders to effectively negotiate with European Union as there is a prevalent mistrust among citizens in connection to any political or regulatory bodies. As mentioned by MacDonald (2016), the previous political apathy of the United Kingdom government concerning integration in the European Union has led to a lack of inclusion in the ordinary citizenry. The political sphere in the United Kingdom is suffering from Euroscepticism that is making the negotiation of the Withdrawal Agreement all the more difficult. There economic, technical and legal imperative for seamless facilitation of the exit. However, political leadership has, so far, not been able to determine an effective strategy that may address these issues.

Consequences of failure to negotiate: As stated by Diamond et al., (2018), the existing political scenario is not favourable in terms of reopening the already agreed issues however it may be open to a new and positive long-term direction. As indicated by Bulmer and Quaglia (2018), if a withdrawal agreement cannot be suitably negotiated then it will lead to a deal by default. Such a situation will lead to an adverse exit and imposition of prohibitive costs on the United Kingdom. The political scenario is still not suitable to cut through the complications in the country’s political processes. The recent development has the top leadership postponing the final vote on the Brexit deal. It indicates that the European Union Withdrawal Agreement may not see the passage in the legislature (theguardian.com, 2018). The existing mistrust among the political parties and lack of confidence of opposition on the exit from the European Union is leading to a stalemate that may ultimately hurt the prospects of the United Kingdom. The political machination is attempting to secure the facilitation of arriving at a consensus concerning the Withdrawal Agreement. The Brexit negotiator of the United Kingdom is seeking to implement additional safeguards to prohibit the triggering of the ‘backstop’ solution in the Withdrawal Agreement (theguardian.com, 2018).

5.6 Brexit covered by media

UK media: Media had played a critical role in influencing public opinion in the United Kingdom concerning Brexit Referendum. It affected the outcome of the referendum itself. Media played two primary roles in the campaign of the referendum. On one hand, two opposing parties entered into a verbal engagement to mould public opinion to their favour. On the other hand, the media itself played an agenda-setting role by putting undue focus on particular politicians or issues. It was analysed that the media largely presented it as ‘Tory story’ and more airtime was given to opinion whose position was to exit European Union (referendum analysis.EU, 2016). It can be understood that the partial positioning of the domestic media contributed heavily to the Leave campaign. As mentioned by Seaton (2016), public perceptions are shaped through these subliminal messaging by the media who themselves may not have been fully informed about the ramifications of their position. Even though the majority of the reporting and commentary primarily focused on the end effect of the Brexit campaign, maximum shaping of public opinion was done by way of political socialization through long term processes. As indicated by Cadwalladr (2017), it was undertaken by the media by exposing the viewers to subliminal messages multiple times. It was evident that even before the actual referendum started, a major portion of the public have been primed to be identifying with the Leave campaign and vote for exit.

Global media: European media reported the developments of the referendum dispassionately but did not appear invested in the outcome of the referendum. This kind of reporting shaped public opinion in such a way that those who were living outside the United Kingdom mostly thought that Brexit will not lead to separation from the European Union. The European opinion was primarily fact-based. It was indicated that 22% gave out a clear opinion and 78% refrained from taking sides concerning Brexit (Reuters institute.politics.ox.ac. the UK, 2016). As opposed to domestic media, global media largely remained neutral in its reporting over Brexit negotiations. But there are some different dimensions in terms of reporting in different jurisdictions. As mentioned by Ridge-Newman et al., (2018), media in France positioned the issue as adversity for the United Kingdom and not making quite an impact for European Union. Media in Ireland and Spain were reportedly expressing views against Brexit. The rest were presenting both sides of the argument and letting viewers take a call for themselves. However, Ireland’s media coverage during the campaign indicated tits close involvement with the outcome and the general perception was equally divided between the British and the Irish position (Reuters institute.politics.ox.ac.UK, 2016). Politicians from other European jurisdictions were rarely quoted on Brexit. Hence it can be concluded the European media engaged in largely fact-based reporting.

5.7 Degree to which Brexit was covered by journals

Delivery of messages in journals: The Leave campaign leveraged its position by delivering targeted messages through the journal’s platform. The journals strategy involved the transmission of messages of varying kinds to specific demographics that were likely to identify to align with the position (referendum analysis.EU, 2016).  Those were over-simplistic messages that were devoid of the different nuances germane to the issue. It simply catered to the standing grudge of the affected citizens that globalization and being a member of to European Union has not benefitted them. Moreover, due to the influx of European Union immigrants, the existing resources of the country was strained and they enjoy the benefits provided by the State. As opined by Fuchs (2018), on the contrary, the Remain campaign failed to deliver simple messages of the benefits of staying as a member of the European Union that may have resonated with the masses. There were conflicting messages on economic impact and immigration about Brexit. Hence, it can be understood that journals have been utilized for the campaign extensively albeit it generated varying outcomes.

The extensiveness of the cover of the campaign in journals: The extensiveness of its use is evident from the expenditure incurrent by the current government over journals of Brexit advertisements. It is reported that approximately £60,000 has been spent over a few months for the promotion of the Brexit deal (Rte.ie, 2018). During the campaign, a substantial portion of the communication budget was invested in a journals campaign for the referendum. Concerning the news agencies which covered the Brexit referendum, apart from the dailies the periodicals also tracked the events over journals. As argued by Sunstein (2018), it is because change in news consumption pattern has led to increased traffic towards media houses’ journals sites. Also, the degree to which its journals was used for influencing the campaign should be divulged. It would indicate the extent to which journals shaped the outcome of the referendum. It would be incumbent upon the site of the journal to inform the users in the ways they were exposed to Brexit propaganda (theguardian.com, 2018).

5.8 Manner in which Brexit was covered by journals

Manner of usage: How journals were harnessed for the Leave campaign tilted the outcome of the referendum well ahead it took place. It sent out specific messages to a targeted group of citizens who were susceptible to apprehensions relating to the influx of immigrants, job loss and downward pressure on wages. It primarily comprised of citizens to whom the benefits of globalization did not trickle down and the country’s membership in the European Union failed to inspire confidence in them. As stated by Gorodnichenko et al., (2018), the manner of the usage of journals for the Brexit campaign primarily involved garnering a fear among the populace against immigrants which ended up catering to the populist demands. The strategy included bombarding the users with a huge volume of subliminal messages that only indicate how the presences of immigrants are harmful to the country. The negative coverage tilted the outcome. The harm arising out of the influx of immigrants was consistently linked with the economy to give rise to palpable fear among the masses that their livelihood is at stake. As indicated by Zollo (2018), the strategy adopted by the Remain campaign was not aggressive enough in its journals outreach. Apart from the propaganda about the risk to livelihood, the Leave campaign also communicated that immigrants are also taking the benefits that are provided by the State which should have ideally gone to the citizens of the country.

Impact: As argued by Sawyer (2017), the impact of these developments on journals did not shape the outcome of the referendum but showed how reporting or coverage of political issues over social may lead to a result that was distorted from the beginning. It is with the coverage of the Brexit campaigns over journals it can be understood that media houses must implement effective strategies or frameworks for addressing the challenges while covering populism (newstatesman.com, 2018).

5.9 Conclusion

The analysis showed that the dominant perception in the United Kingdom indicated that globalization failed to bring desired success to the regular citizenry to the extent they may have desired. The protectionist policies by the United Kingdom may involve aggressive trade policies, imposition of excess tariff on imports and imposition of tax. Political leadership aligned with the rise of the far right-wing that proscribed immigration.  Media played a crucial role and influenced public opinion in the favour of Leave campaigners in Brexit. It effectively distorted the outcome of the referendum. With the help of media, two opposing parties entered into a verbal engagement to shape public opinion to their benefit. Also, the media itself played an agenda-setting role by putting undue focus on particular politicians or issues.

Chapter Six: Conclusion and Recommendation

6.1 Recommendation

  • Self-regulation by media houses over-reporting on journals to refrain from distortion of public opinion or views
  • Neutrality is to be maintained concerning opposing parties and opposing viewpoints.
  • Mandatory disclosure norms for users so that they are appraised of the manner and degree in which they are receiving information. It would enable ordinary citizens to form a well-informed opinion.
  • Media houses should refrain from sending subliminal messages to a targeted audience and adhere to unbiased reporting.
  • Front covers should not be consistently dedicated to a particular side of campaigning in situations similar to a referendum.
  • Implementation of the regulatory framework that would ensure that information is manipulated to favour a particular party.
  • Emotive images or pictures that may end up overshadowing facts, information or figures should be properly vetted by the appropriate authority

6.2 Conclusion

In the conclusion part, it can be said that this is clear that the referendum of the Brexit campaign leading to the vote to leave or remain the European Union is the most divisive, fear-provoking, harmful and hostile of the United Kingdom. Such divisiveness has an impact on the media even. The question of social responsibility is at stake. This study has observed the coverage of the prime two leading standard sources, newspapers and the journals where various official stances on Brexit have been showcased. This has tried to investigate, utilizing qualitative data analysis, their coverage of the subject of huge data as well as their claimed role in the referendum of Brexit. This research work has examined the warning this has to their privacy and democracy, in specific, their claimed role at the time of Brexit. This research work resembles the coverage of huge information claimed responsibility in comparison with the referendum of Brexit as well as provides to the on-going analysis regarding the media coverage of such political historical situations. This can be concluded that the sources outlet having a political posture potentially may impact the role of their social responsibility. Moreover, it can be said that the research work in this aspect is required to conduct to highlight such issues of resources providing away the role of their social responsibility for political earns due to their apparent postures of politics. This research work is all about the media outlets in Sweden, Spain, Poland, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Germany and France, got that most of the Brexit have reported is fact-related and neutral. The vote for Brexit is strongest in the areas of the United Kingdom that has been devastated by the gliding of production. Moreover, it can be said that not globalism, but Americanism shall be their creed. Globalization can occur in services, ideas and capital, creating this a notoriously vague term, but what this means most often is creating this cheaper to market across borders. It is often termed that sector may move from rich countries, where staff is expensive to poor countries, where staff is cheap. This research work believes that the decision of the newspapers may have been served down showcasing the coverage of this violation. This study has concluded that the media needs to act more responsible towards their community as well as not let any sort of political posture. This research work provides a wider academic examination based on social responsibility as well as the anti-globalization discourses. In the findings of the Brexit occurrence, this study begins with the political as well as economic globalization as well as enlarges the investigation of the future social international interaction.


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