BSBTWK502 - Manage Team Effectiveness

The Covid-19 pandemic hit hard and affected a lot of businesses and ways of doing things. There was a reduction in sales of companies all over the world. Despite the many negative aspects, several advantageous factors favor companies. This passage discusses beneficial factors that  Dar Sonbol fashion should have taken to make itself more relevant in the market.

Digital transformation has become a significant aspect of the marketplace. It has led to e- management, where the company can do business better and more on the online platform(LEFOR, L.,2020). There is a shift in the marketing strategies of the fashion industry. The strategy shifts from physical to more digital where there is proper management from a particular station and a variety of channels where people can receive communication of Dar Sonbol Fashion from their homes. The company gets more consumer channels to capture broader marketing by using online platforms.

E- management has made ordering and delivery of products more comfortable and faster. The pandemic has made it necessary for the company to offer online platforms services by creating better websites. Customers order the works, and they will be delivered to them fast and efficiently. The presence of online ordering helps ensure that people demand their choice and receive the same product.

The company could significantly reduce costs and expenses if they go the digital way. The pandemic has necessitated a reduction in contacts. So, companies can be able to reduce the costs of needing too many stores and also offices. People can order the products and receive them at their homes without going to specific stores for the clothes (Boardman, 2020). Employers also get to have employees work from home hence reducing the need for offices. Personalization in the marketing aspect should be more focused on. The pandemic has led to companies having more authentic engagements with customers. Dar Sonbol could engage more with its customers personally, and through customer behavior, they can communicate to them the products they may desire to have.

The pandemic has brought an aspect of positivity in the fashion industry, and Dar Sonbol can only partake in it. This will prove worth it since it increases the level of success in its business dealings. Digital transformation and  e- management have proved very vital during this period.



Boardman, R., Strak, R. & Henninger, C. (2020). Fashion Buying and Merchandising: the

Fashion Buyer in a Digital Society. New York: Routledge.

Lefor, L. (2020). New Normal: Digitization, Digitalization, and E-Commerce in International

Business. S.L: Authorhouse Uk.