
The social networking sites have become an obvious phenomenon in present time’s business operational system. Different kind of business entities now uses this tool to do their communication with all types stakeholder. They expand their working premises via these kinds of social platforms and make improvement on their activities (Fulk, & Yuan, 2013). 

In this assignment, the core subject is to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking sites for business communication by various business enterprises. Particularly this task will sheds light on the past studies of regarding this specific subject; what are the outcome of previous research and how it will encourage the future research works will be discussed in appropriate way. The literature review part is very crucial for conducting any research works in respect of understand the relevance of the chosen topic for present analysis work. The below mention parts are the divide part of literature review part in order to emphasis it various prospect with argument (Kasemsap, 2014). 

Concept of social networking service utilization by business enterprises

In today’s business world, competition has led the business owner to innovate and implement different kind of strategies. In order to do effective communication with their stakeholder they changes their way of communication from tradition ways to modern technique (Leonardi, Huysman & Steinfield, 2013). The way of communication determines the success rate of any business enterprise. Their growth and development of any business organization is dependent on some internal and external factors. As an internal factor, it can apparent that the relation between employee and the business owner play as a vital factor for operating the system in undisrupted manner. Others factors are ranging from the economical to manage mental ground. The external factors, which affect the business operation, are the communication skill, consumers’ media using behaviour, their psychological status and other variable lies within the societal structure

(Leftheriotis & Giannakos, 2014). These factors are genuinely works for the decision making process for management personnel and administrators of any organization.  

This background is proving lights on the base of those reason for the using various social networking sites by the business personnel. The media using behaviour of the audience is now leading the process of decision-making policy of any business enterprise (Rauniar, Rawski, Yang & Johnson, 2014). They are evaluating the most effective tools of communication in order to done the conveying process successful with their intended purpose. Maximum number of trading establishment is now using the social network platform to make communication regarding their product development or any other kind of promotional activity (Schaupp & Bélanger, 2013). Some business firm uses this technique as a general means to establish or maintain relation with their service user. 

As a general overview of global trading environment, they mainly use social network sites like Face book, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat etc to establish relation with their consumer and make them notify about any kind of announcement related with business activities.

Areas for making opportunities through social networking sites

A business house operates different kind of activities with the achievement of social media. In order to sustain in the competitive arena with the rival industry they modify their business handling techniques. They need to incorporate the social media in their business venture for communication purpose, by doing this they can make variety of opportunities to grow their business in constructive way.

Nowadays the people have  became  attached with the social media for doing their everyday task; from emotional support to professional task, all matter is getting linked up with the name  social media, henceforth this is the opportunity for those business enterprise who are seeking the scope to expand their business in constructive way. The particular areas where these entities can make their development through these types of digital platforms are mentioned as follows.  Foremost area for making the opportunity is the field of communication, where this business organization can develop their way of strategy for make effective communication with their consumer.

 Next factor is the business market analysis; in this area the business entrepreneur can conduct the market research for analysing though different types of social media. They can see the strategies implemented by the rival industry by analysing their websites; from that websites, they can also get the audience feedback regarding their any innovative strategies. They can implement those strategies or can get the idea from that; which they can modify in more improved manner. They can utilize these strategies for make improvement in their business operation. The social networking sites enables these entrepreneurs to implement innovative  ideas in their  functional system, particularly  their all strategies regarding the communication process is assist them to reach easily towards their  all service user. They can make the brand loyalty or improve the brand image among their service user. 


Advantage of social networking sites in business organization

The above-mentioned part is an overall scenario of opportunities can gained by the business enterprises. Some specific strategies bring the excellent opportunities towards them to flourish their business operation. In this part, the specific advantages of social networking sites by the business enterprise will be illustrated.

A business organization can use the integrated marketing communication process for communicate with their stakeholders (Scott, 2017). The business enterprises can evaluate the feedback of the audience via these digital platforms. They can assess their websites or the face book page in order to collect the information regarding their service. They can easily understand the level of satisfaction of their premium consumer; what are the needs and desire of their target customer they can able to know that easily. According to that feedback analysis result, they can redesign their policies and other agendas and make them more attractive to their customer. Their existing structure may not be satisfactory for their customer; so they can redesign their strategies in order to get the most competitive advantage (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). .

In present time, people are getting used to the digital media usage for their personal and professional usage. They are using these platforms for gathering knowledge to make purchasing decision, from choosing brand to determine the purchase of product they are now rely on the survey of internet (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014). The scope are relying on this context that the business entrepreneur can make promotional activities and give  advertisement in their pages to make the audience known about the service or product description. 

Now social media creates most useful effective on the psychology of the consumer. Therefore, it is a chance to make brand awareness through these platforms. Moreover, they can use the digital platforms to retain their consumer and make brand loyalty (Turban, King, Lee, Liang & Turban, 2015). They can convey their promotional messages by creating individual pages and invite their premium customer to like them; by how they can get the important messages related with their organizational function.  They can use those platforms to spread the consumerism factor among the customer, means in general word an organization can give a forceful promotional activities aiming towards their service user.   

Disadvantages of social networking sites in business organization

 Some disadvantages also lay in the system of usage the social network sites that are descriptively elaborate in below portion. The disadvantages of using the social media by the entrepreneurs are sometimes draw some negative outcomes in their functional service. The over system can be fallen in some threatening situation when they are not using this opportunities with critical way. 

Today everywhere, the cyber world has spread their lure to do the unlawful activities. They use the most credential and confidential data of the social media users for some illegal activities.

This context is very threatening for the business organization in perspective of their brand image retention in the open market. The market scenario is dependent on various factors like rival industries technique for communication and their new innovative idea. These factors are bringing the opportunities for those organizations, who are trying to span their business activities. The social media now gives the scope to any business enterprise to follow and copy the idea from the other business enterprises. 

Therefore, it can easily stated that  the disadvantages also  remaining in the system of the social media usage; by using the social media  one trading industry can  get the idea from its competitor and modify their planning as per the requirements of their consumers. Other disadvantages aspect is the cyber security, now hackers are remaining alert every time to inject virus in the overall system, they were busy to do illegal activities by those thriven data. These kinds of activities drag any organization in a dangerous situation like ruin the brand’s image and spread any propaganda without their concern by hacking those digital communication platforms.

The disadvantages of the social media are outburst day by day as the development of technology happened. 

Past studies

 According to the perception and research works of the previous scholars, the subject that is the advantage and disadvantage of the social media usage in the overall business operation is very relevant in this present situation of the world. The world has become technology based in all area; from decision making process to external stakeholder relation maintain all these tasks are now has been operated through the social networking platforms (Leonardi, Huysman & Steinfield, 2013). This situation enables all type of business enterprise to make important strategies in order to sustain in the competitive business environment (Turban, King, Lee, Liang & Turban, 2015). As per the previous studies in this particular subject, some studies focus on the disadvantages of media in the business operation. They tried to impose on those factors by how a company can face some societal issues regarding the utilization of the social networking sites. The main factor in this research is the gap by how the entrepreneurs are not able to be successful in cent percent manner though involving these tools in their communication process(Fulk, & Yuan, 2013)

According to (Kasemsap, 2014) a business enterprise is became front-runner in their working domain, when they use all the available media to communicate with their service user. The main thing is that all the available mainstream media is very costly to give advertisement in the audio- visual media or in another kind of print media (Leftheriotis & Giannakos, 2014). 

Some renowned scholars sheds light on those factor of social media,which is become most effective for those business entrepreneur like if they switch power their media usage policy like choosing the social media platforms to give advertisement then they can reduce the cost of their budget .

Simultaneously they can reach over to a versatile audience in a very short amount of time (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014). There is a limitation in choosing the mainstream media for promote  brand or service, because in that process they  just only reach up to a specific   audience who are the premium customer of that particular channel; simultaneously the use of mainstream media is not so much cost effective for any company to give advertisement or to promote any other messages.    

  Relevance of the research

Assessment of the literature review helps the scholar to find out the relevant factors of his or her conducting study. Same thing is matter for this assignment; like, after doing the assessment of past studies of this particular topic it is possible to understand about the importance of this chosen topic. The topic that is the pros and cons of social media by some business enterprise is very much relevant in this present time situation. This research will affect the overall research field with numerous concepts. These factors will enable the existing ands the future companies to make proper decision for their operational system. As a apparent view all small, medium and large organizations are using this digital platforms like face book, and twitter to convey their business function or outcome knowingly or unknowingly , in that context this research work will assist them to know about the effect of social media in both positively and negatively.   

Conceptual framework

  1. Introduction
  2. Concept of social networking service utilization by business enterprises
  3. Areas for making opportunities through social networking sites
  4. Advantage of social networking sites in business organization
  5. Disadvantages of social networking sites in business organization
  6. Past studies
  7. Relevance of the research
  8. Gap of literature review
  9. Conclusion
  10.  Gap of literature review

The gap of this literature is not as prominent as because it does not deals any kind of traditional concept, theories and models. Particularly this 21st century’s research works are consisting, much with this particular topic. Numerous researchers had been scrutinising the effect of social media usage by the world’s leading business enterprises.

Although in every research work there have some constraints, which the researcher in a problematic situation, some factors are responsible not to meet with the hypothetical question of any particular research work.

In this research work or in this particular topic of research the gap is rely on  that concept which can give solution to the business person for taken these means of communication as a foolproof way. These factors are needed to address for sake of the industrial booming situation worldwide. The other minor gaps are not so prominent that can be mentioned accordingly in this part. Although because of the demand of  the literature review part those factors are the budget of the fact finding process, other constraints of the research work is associated with the structure of the gap of any literature. In order to carry this business research the scholar does not witness such kind of situation during the research work. One of the most important studies can be the effect of the social media over the audience psychology as an emotional support. In overall business environment, there are some enterprises. which core function is dependent on the psychological factor of people, moreover in mainstream corporate organization there also some emotional factor works; such as if any teenager not getting attracted to any particular brand they will not taking the service from that company. They have plenty of option to choose their purchasing unite, here the place any organization can do the strike by hooked those group of consumer towards their brand. This are the area or the gap of this particular research topic which till date not covered by the researchers.


As a conclusion it can be stated that this research work will benefitted the future researcher by understand about topic in detail manner with all its perspective. The entire literature review is done on some systematic way and by maintaining the appropriate structure. 

Past studies of any research are helping the scholar to understand about the already done research works by eminent scholar. The literature review emphasizes the gap of particular research topic; it helps the scholar to perceive the importance of research of their chosen subject and assist them to know about the gap of that specific work. This literature review is done by assessing many journals and books as a primary source of information and access the websites as the secondary source of information. The review part has been done by adopting a systematic research process. This assignment is based on the study of pros and cons of social networking sites uses by different business enterprises.  

There are no such research outcomes from the past studies, which can majorly deny the positive effect of the social media in any business operation.

This research can be stated concisely that all the business houses now became able to enhance their productivity through the using of social media.


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