Law Assignment Sample - Caltex oil v Dredge

Assignment Brief:

  • 2500 words 
  • Valued at 40% of total module marks
  • Times font, size 12pt
  • Line spacing 1.5
  • Submitted via ‘Turnitin’
  • A minimum of 15 references including at least 10 articles. 
  • Ensure an electronic cover sheet is included (available off the admin section of Unilearn)

The assignment will be carried out individually. 

Task: Select a process whose operational issues are of interest to you. Then, using a structured methodology (i.e: DMAIC) develop a data-driven analysis of the chosen process and demonstrate improvements in its performance.

You should submit a 2500 essay that:

  1. Define the problem identified and the system to be improved 
  2. Measure the current level of performance
  3. Analyze the root cause of the problem
  4. Improve the process performance 
  5. Make some recommendations in order to sustain the improvement in the long term

*Important note: this is an academic piece of work and it should be grounded and supported by the relevant literature. Marking Criteria

Students will be assessed against specific learning outcomes of the module and essay-marking guide (knowledge, content, critical analysis, research, structure).  Grades will be awarded by DECILE.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze the nature of change in relation to process improvement
  2. Analyze the nature of structure and culture to achieve Business Excellence.
  3. Understand how the systems, techniques, and tools can be used to best advantage 
  4. Demonstrate the nature of change in relation to process improvement and its effects in contemporary business environments.
  5. Apply improvement methods that business can employ to enhance their performances

Essay-marking guide

The following guide is provided as a support to both marking an essay and for potentially structuring feedback to students. It is intended to be flexible in terms of the emphasis placed on the various categories.

Knowledge: Does the student display a grasp of the appropriate knowledge base for the assignment? Are statements about general concepts and ideas correct? Is there some evidence of further reading? 

Content: Has the student addressed key issues implied by the question, is there a clear effort to address the question. Is there too much irrelevant information? Is the volume of content appropriate? 

Critical Analysis: Does the student analyse and deconstruct concepts to some depth rather than superficially describe them. Is there evidence of argument presentation and is this done in a balanced way? 

Research: Are a variety of sources used, are journal articles included? Are the references used correctly, e.g. quotes etc. Is there evidence of wide reading (quantity)? Is there good use of primary data? 

Structure: Is there a clear structure through the assignment? Is it in line with the implied flow of the question? Is it easy to follow arguments or are ideas spread illogically throughout the assignment? 

Grading criteria by DECILE

A 90-100

A comprehensive piece of work, well-evidenced and supported with accurate referencing throughout. All content is relevant and all aspects of the question are addressed

An 80-89

A high-quality piece of work though one or two additional considerations could potentially be enhanced to strengthen the answer. Accurate referencing and a substantial body of evidence are used to support the answer.

A 70-79

An excellent answer, well-evidenced and referenced. One or two minor areas may have been omitted though this does not detract from the overall quality of the argument.

B+ (67-69) B (64-66) B- (60-63)

A good answer that displays a good familiarity with the available literature. Comprehension of most of the issues involved and contains some evidence of independent criticism and analysis. Free from major errors and most relevant points discussed.

C+ (57-59) C (54-56) C- (50-53)

A middle-range answer that shows familiarity with the available literature. Comprehension of most of the issues involved and contains some limited evidence of independent criticism and analysis. Factually accurate but mostly descriptive.

D+ (47-49) D (44-46) D- (40-43) 

A poor answer which, whilst demonstrating an understanding of the basic issues involved (and hence deserves a pass) is deficient in terms of material covered, level of comprehension, etc. Insufficiently researched and, perhaps, major errors and omissions.

R (30-39)

A refer answer, which demonstrates a lack of depth in terms of comprehension and knowledge of the subject matter.

F (0-29)

Little or no understanding of the subject matter and, probably, a minimum degree of effort. Minimal relevant content within the answer and complete lack of evidence to support. The work is poorly presented.