ACCB6000 Computer Networks and Cyber Security

Two parts of portfolios in this Assessment. The deadline for each portfolio is different.
1. Portfolio (Part 1) is a Computer Based Test. The date of CBT is earlier than the Submission deadline.
(Deadline: TBA).
2. Portfolio (Part 2) is a report submission. This part is intended to allow you to conduct research on
related work from subject areas in the field of security and current technologies. You will also use this
knowledge to critically analyse various labs exercises and propose viable strategy to protect any
organisation/ personal cyberspace resources and their services. (Deadline: TBA).
Part 1 – Computer Based Test

The Computer Based Test will have 20 Questions on MOODLE Test Environment. Total Marks
awarded out of 20. Time duration is 30 Minutes. Combination of Single Choice, Multiple Choices, True/ False,
fill in the blanks, scenario-based questions will be asked. Mark varies based on the type of questions. The
weightage for this part is 10% of your overall assessment.
Part 2 – Research, Understand, Implement, Analyse Cybersecurity Factors
Write an Abstract
and Conclusive note for the entire report.
The inclusiveness of cyberspace in our day today’s life is inescapable. The case being ordering take
aways, shopping, holiday planning, financial services and investments, job, business, entertainment,
education etc, digital/ cyber space acts as the platform undoubtably. This leads us to focus on securing our cyberspace as a high priority task.
According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2023, 32% businesses have identified an attack
which is comparatively less than the last year which was 39%. This is only the case of smaller organisations whereas the medium and large businesses cases remain the same.
You are appointed as a Research Assistant for “IIyama Tech Corporation”. They are currently working
on developing an AI based cybersecurity solution. You are asked to do the following:
Explore and understand emerging threats for businesses and personal infrastructure
and address the existing Defense mechanisms and industry best practices.
1. Complete “Ethical Hacker” course from Skills for All. Self-enrol via
Complete all the 10 Module exams and Course Final Exam. Submit your grades for all chapter
exams and digital badge for verification.

2. Complete the Lab Activities to apply your understanding on threats, vulnerabilities, attacks,
and the methods to mitigate.
3. For each Lab Activity, select one tool (of your own choice) used in the lab and propose a
similar tool that could be used in performing the same action. (Eg: If we have used Nessus
to do vulnerability scanning in our lab activity, research and analyse similar tool like OpenVas
that could be used to do vulnerability scanning).
4. Implement the above proposed similar tools in the lab environment and analyse the
outcome comparing to the previous tool used. Conclude your reflection on advantages and
disadvantages of both the tools. Capture adequate screenshot and document with description.

WARNING: Make sure you look for resources/ tools only for reliable sources/ link and test, implement
the identified tools only in a lab/ virtual environment. Searching Cyber tools from unidentified/
unreliable sources may lead you to become a prey for attackers.
5. Comprehensive Research
By completing the above lab activities, you may be gaining more clarity on the threats,
attack vectors and vulnerabilities within an infrastructure. With that clarity, do an
extensive literature on the development of Artificial Intelligence in cybersecurity.
Address the scope, strengths and limitations of AI based cybersecurity systems.
Compare and contrast the existing AI based cybersecurity systems in the market.
Explore more about (not limited to) AI based Threat detection, Automated Incident
Response etc.
Hypothetically, does AI based cybersecurity systems pose any risk to the
cybersecurity infrastructure? Reflect on the question.
If the answer is Yes, elaborate by answering why it is a risk, how to mitigate
If the answer is No, elaborate by answering why it is not a risk, how to use AI
based cybersecurity systems in businesses and personal infrastructure etc.