International Human Resource Management

The Taliban terrorist group took over the affairs of Afghanistan. This event occurred moments after the US forces were withdrawn from the country under a new agreement between the two nations. After taking over the statehouse and all government policies, the group threatened the lives of citizens who showed signs of emigrating. Several inhuman activities of Mass and public killings were noticed. The Media influenced viewers in a couple of ways. Firstly, they uploaded the content about people jumping onto fast-moving planes for rescue and others, old and children, crossing fences into neighbouring countries. The media also showed videos of people being executed in public and bomb-blast at Kabul International Airport. It also reported negatively about the plight of the war with the famous creed, “The Winners and Losers,” taking root in people (“good, bad and ugly of the media coverage of Afghanistan.” 2021). It portrays the wrong picture about the US military.

The media perpetuates stereotypes about criminals. Maybe the Taliban had a better plan for their country, considering its initial poor state. According to the reports, they did not have intentions of chasing anybody out of the country. However, the uploaded content communicates only the negative sides of that undertaking (“good, bad and ugly of the media coverage of Afghanistan.” 2021). The fact that the president left office has also been pampered to look like he is unpatriotic. Some of the war images may cause depression and heartbreaks among the international community. The media heavily influences the public perception of wars, especially those initiated by religious organizations. It has a crucial role in law enforcement efforts. Their relationship goes beyond making false statements about critical situations. The media is supposed to communicate the achievement of the law bodies to the public. They need to report the new rules to the people and the penalty for disobeying them. 


The good, bad and ugly of the media coverage of Afghanistan. (2021, August 17). Poynter. -the-media-coverage-of-Afghanistan/