
The nature of marketing is defined by the relevant society in which it is executed and is influenced considerably by the drastic evolution in media technologies and the trends of media consumption. Therefore marketing professionals have to encounter significant challenges for adapting and changing to new communication channels for realizing strategic objectives of marketing. This has led to an improvement in the levels of integration among marketing campaigns in order to increase the coordination among various marketing instruments for communicating a single brand message which is termed as integrated marketing communications (Andrews & Shimp, 2017). The improving prospects in integrated marketing communications could also be identified in the form of references to integration across different campaigns and introduce digital marketing in the promotional mix. 

The following report is inclined to accomplish the objectives of marketing communications audit, marketing communications strategy and the marketing communications plan for the case study of a specific organization. The organization selected for the report is Coca Cola which is a renowned beverage brand across the world. As per Ang (2014), the marketing communications audit would comprise of references to the analysis of the competitive environment, customer groups and personas and the effectiveness of the marketing communications plan of the organization (Ang, 2014). 

The marketing communication strategy would comprise of feasible recommendations derived from the audit that would form the basis of SMART objectives. The objectives would be collated with the marketing communications model of 6Cs of customer motivation in order to present the strategic approach followed by Coca-Cola for its integrated marketing strategy supported with relevant theoretical underpinning. The final section of the report would present an illustration of the marketing communications plan reflecting on the requirement of resources such as financial and staffing concerns. The communications plan would also comprise of references to potential challenges and setbacks along with appropriate contingency measures (Barger & Labrecque, 2013). 

Marketing communications audit:

The domain of soft drinks has acquired a formidable position within the beverages industry and the recovery of economies from the 2009 financial crisis has led to explicit improvement in sales rebound of notable companies in developed Western markets. Coca-Cola was founded almost 125 years ago and has become capable of occupying a formidable share in the beverage industry with a formidable business presence in more than 200 countries (Belch & Belch, 2016). The product range of Coca-Cola spans across 3500 diverse offerings that validate its strength as a crucial player in the beverages industry. On one hand, the company is developing its infrastructure in emerging markets while addressing the requirements for innovative marketing approaches for improving scales of operation as well as establishing a niche market for accomplishing productive growth (Bhupathi, 2016). 

SWOT of marketing communications:

The existing framework of marketing communications of Coca-Cola could be reviewed through SWOT analysis for identifying the advantages and pitfalls of the approach that can also be used to support the analysis of the changes in the macro-environment. As per Camilleri (2108), the SWOT analysis of the company’s marketing communications reflects on the strengths of Coca-Cola in the form of its reputed brand image established through a strong network of media associations (Camilleri, 2018). 

The competent human resource invested in the marketing could be accounted as a formidable strength for the marketing communications of the organization. The strength of partnerships of Coca-Cola could also be considered as an advantage for marketing communications that enables the scalability of the marketing strategies of the organization. Weaknesses of the marketing communications could be characterized by the focus on sluggish performance by the company in North America and the consistent proliferation of activism against the health value of Coca-Cola’s products. 

The impression of the conventional soft drinks of Coca Cola in contemporary media has been projected as unhealthy due to the excessive sugar content (Csikosova, Antošová & Čulková, 2014). Therefore, the communications of Coca Cola are always subject to bias on behalf of the audience that is based on the perception of negative health effects due to consumption of its products. This leads to insufficiencies in conveying the strategic message of the brand to customers. The disparities between marketing and development could also be accounted as a crucial weakness for Coca Cola’s marketing communications (Kim, et al., 2016). 

The opportunities for Coca-Cola could be identified in the involvement of the company as a partner in the majority of sports events as well as the prospects for exploring the bottled water market. The marketing communications of Coca-Cola could be strengthened by leveraging the strengths of partners thereby implying the significance of acquisitions and mergers for addressing excessive levels of competition. The opportunities for coca-cola could also be observed in the form of prospects for partnership with major events and production houses. Online engagement could also be noticed as a promising entity for Coca-Cola to diversify its marketing communications. 

As per Ots & Nyilasy (2015), the threats for the marketing communication plan of Coca-Cola could be identified in the scale of adoption of social media as a marketing channel by competitors. This factor is complicated further due to the prominent international as well as domestic competition for the brand. The reduction of sales in new product ranges with the lack of a clear strategic message could also be assumed as a profound threat for Coca-Cola’s marketing communications (Ots & Nyilasy, 2015). The involvement of third parties in the social media marketing initiatives of the company could lead to profound communication discrepancies. 

An internal analysis of Coca-Cola’s marketing communications should also be complemented by an understanding of the macro environment of the beverage industry. The example of the Chinese market could be assumed for the preparation of the marketing communications audit. The government regulations especially for determining the quality of food and beverages are considered as major political interventions in the Chinese business environment. Therefore Coca Cola has to address the compliance requirements for the standards in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the government (Patti, et al., 2017). 

The common political factors which are considered as major influences on the operations of Coca-Cola refer to the changes in international political precedents, civil conflicts, and changes in laws and regulations. Economic factors are responsible for influencing the pricing decisions and revenue predictions of an organization in a specific market. The scenarios in which the economic environment is subject to inflation such as in the example of China, the organization would have to reduce its prices. 

One of the notable examples of such a macro-environmental influence was observed in the reduction of prices by Coca-Cola in the aftermath of the 2001 recession (Percy, 2014). The dependence of the organization on the international markets for a major share of its revenue could also be accounted as a prominent economic factor that should be included in the analysis of Coca-Cola’s economic factors. The social factors are primarily associated with the frequent changes in the lifestyle of consumers characterized by increasing awareness for health issues and dietary habits. The preferences for carbonated beverages are reduced substantially due to their perception as a source of disease such as diabetes due to the sugar content (Schultz, Patti & Kitchen, 2013). The presence of Coca-Cola in diverse cultural backgrounds in international markets could also be accounted as a major characteristic of the organization’s macro environment thereby leading to changes in its product offerings in diverse markets. Technological factors which can be identified in the context of the macro environment of Coca-Cola include references towards the improvement in production machinery and social media technology in marketing. 

As per Šerić, Gil-Saura & Ruiz-Molina (2014), the efficiency of production technology enables the company to address the requisites of quality product development and deadlines for delivery. The macro-environmental changes in legal aspects for Coca-Cola could be identified in the modifications in legislation pertaining to the quality of food and beverage products (Šerić, Gil-Saura & Ruiz-Molina, 2014). Furthermore, the implications for health and safety regulations, intellectual property rights, and business ethics could be considered as crucial legal aspects for Coca-Cola in international business initiatives. The environmental factors associated with the company’s macro-environment are primarily related to the concerns of water consumption by the organization which is a basic ingredient for Coca-Cola’s production. Production of the organization has to be aligned with standards for environmental protection. The examples of innovation in the carbonating system implemented in Coca-Cola’s production could be reflective of environment-friendly and cost-effective outcomes (Smith & Taylor, 2004). 

Competitor analysis:

The prime competitor of Coca Cola is PepsiCo which has carved a niche for itself in the carbonated beverages industry. The brand communication strategy followed by PepsiCo is associated with specific communication objectives which can be identified in the separation of brand identity for different products. Specific indications towards reminder advertising can also be presented for repeat purchases, emphasis on the nutritional value of the products and focus on impulse buying (Watson, 2017). 

The marketing strategy of PepsiCo comprises of significant involvement of sales promotion and advertisements. A critical reflection on the strategic approaches for marketing followed by PepsiCo could facilitate inferences regarding the disadvantages and advantages of the strategy. The foremost advantage of the strategy can be identified in the advertisement approach of the organization which is largely directed towards young adults and teenagers (Willis, 2014). PepsiCo employs advertising strategies that are tailored to the interests of a specific target group which can be considered as a positive aspect for the marketing communications of the organization. 

The sales promotion also integrates the use of internet through appealing the target audience using features such as gaming and downloads. PepsiCo also relies on the capabilities of sales promotion for addressing the requirements for boosting revenue volumes from a short-term perspective. The creativity of PepsiCo is observed in the original sales promotion campaigns that are introduced alongside standard promotional tools that comprise of loyalty rewards, money off coupons and point of sale displays (Yeshin, 2012). On the contrary, the disadvantages of the marketing communications of PepsiCo could be identified in the form of the disparities in transitioning of market information across three distinct levels of the hierarchy such as market divisions, functional corporate offices and global structure of hierarchy. The alignment of PepsiCo to the cost leadership strategy could create potential loss of brand equity on the grounds of limited difference with competitors such as Coca Cola (Lan & Zhou, 2007). Furthermore, the inability of PepsiCo to leverage the competences of social media for marketing could also be accounted as a formidable disadvantage for the organization’s marketing communications. 

Key customer groups:

As per Mulhern (2009), the integrated marketing communications of Coca Cola could be effective only through considering a clear demarcation of customer groups based on characteristics and needs. The marketing communications could be tailored according to the customer persona for obtaining productive outcomes in sales volumes and revenues for the organization in diverse marketing environments (Mulhern, 2009). 

The identification of distinct customer persona could also be tailored to the general criteria perceived as favorable in the case of Coca-Cola. The general characteristics of Coca-Cola customers include high and occasional purchases of Coca-Cola products with meals, higher amount of soft drink purchases, and limited variations in the patronage of purchasing location (Lan & Zhou, 2007). 

These characteristics are explicitly observed in the case of young adults and teenagers imply that Coca-Cola should target these two customer groups and develop an appropriate buyer persona for marketing communication effectiveness. Customer persona could be developed through the illustration of the basic demographic information of the customer, reason for purchase, problem of customers that is solved by the product, potential barriers for purchase, and the factors influencing their purchasing decision.

The customer group of teenagers is characterized by a recurring age group of 13-20 years of age and generally, a pull strategy is implemented for appealing to this target group. The primary reason for purchasing the carbonated beverages for this customer group can be identified in the fulfillment of fitting in the society as well as the appeal of the taste of carbonated beverages (Ots & Nyilasy, 2015). 

The problem of teenagers which is solved by the carbonated beverages of Coca-Cola refers to relaxation and in some cases addressing the concerns of nutrition as can be observed in the demand for non-aerated beverages produced by Coca-Cola. The reason for purchase could also be associated with the brand appeal of the organization derived from collaborations with major sporting events and celebrities. 

The buyer persona of teenagers in the case of Coca-Cola also refers to the barriers for purchase which is identified in the lack of financial independence and restraint over consumption of carbonated beverages at school and home. The factors which influence the purchasing decision of teenagers include references to the awareness campaigns regarding the negative health effects of Coca Cola products and the availability of cheap substitutes that could alter their purchasing behavior (Csikosova, Antošová & Čulková, 2014). 

The consumer persona for young adults could be associated with the age group distribution from 21-30 years and the reason for purchasing coca-cola products for this target group could range from recreation to fulfilling delectable desires i.e. completing a meal. The consumption of Coca-Cola products in the young adult customer group has also been improving due to the explicit references to changing trends for energy drinks and fruit juice that are being preferred on the basis of nutritional value (Barger & Labrecque, 2013). 

The perceived barriers to purchase could be identified in the lack of coherent association with the brand and the limitations over dietary habits owing to concerns regarding health. However, one of the critical factors that are capable of influencing the purchase decision of the customer group of young adults is the level of interactivity in the content used for advertisement. The use of event sponsorships could also be accounted as a productive approach for getting in touch with the customers belonging to this buyer persona. 

Marketing communications strategy:

The analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the marketing communications plan of Coca-Cola should be reflective of valid inferences to frame marketing communications strategy. The threats for Coca-Cola are vested in the increasing participation of competitors in the digital marketing domain alongside the increasing involvement of third-party agencies in the marketing promotions of the company. The particular aspects which have to be considered for formulating a marketing communication model can be derived from an understanding of the 6C s of customer motivation so that the strategy would be tailored to customer requirements (Andrews & Shimp, 2017). 

The internal strengths of the organization in terms of brand identity complemented with external opportunities for cultural diversification could be used for leveraging the strengths and improving opportunity access. The internal strengths of financial stability could be implemented for addressing external threats arising from environmental activism concerns by introducing CSR initiatives. 

The internal weakness of the organization in terms of maintaining coordination between marketing and development could be addressed through leveraging the opportunity of social media marketing and integrated ICT systems for information exchange. The association of Coca-Cola with a diverse range of sports events can be considered responsible for limiting the weaknesses of depreciating sales of new product offerings (Ots & Nyilasy, 2015). The weaknesses of reducing sales and external threats of increasing competitive rivalry can be addressed through introducing digital marketing campaigns that are based on a collection of real-time market data and consumer information. 

The objectives for the company’s marketing communications would have to be based on the 5S model which addresses five distinct aspects of the customer lifecycle. The five aspects refer to sales forecasts, customer service quality improvement, communicating information to clients, increasing business efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and brand building through impulsive marketing. 

As per Schultz, Patti & Kitchen (2013), the ‘Sell’ aspect would include references to the accomplishment of an increase in sales by 8% in 2018 in the case of Coca Cola and to increase customer awareness by 65% (Schultz, Patti & Kitchen, 2013). The customer service aspect has to be addressed in the ‘Serve’ area of strategic objectives wherein the strategy would be directed towards improving the quality of services for clients. 

The objectives would include diversification of product ranges and reducing the content of sugar in the beverages thereby leading to effective nutritional value for the customers. The objectives for communication to ‘Speak’ can be realized through improving the social media user base and alleviating its status as one of the globally recognized brands on online platforms. The follower count of Coca-Cola on major social networks such as Facebook and Twitter could be assumed as appropriate metrics to ensure monitoring of this strategic objective of Coca-Cola’s marketing communication. The references to the ‘Save’ aspect in the case of Coca-Cola’s strategic marketing communications plan would be directed towards the use of integrated ICT systems for improving the communication between marketing and development sectors of the organization (Smith & Taylor, 2004). 

This would help the organization to derive appropriate measures for marketing strategies that could be adapted to the improvements introduced by the product development department. This factor would help in reducing the costs of repeated and unique marketing campaigns based on the product category. The realistic nature of the objective can be presented in the form of promotion of several non-aerated beverages of the company which would reduce the required costs of advertisement. Social media involvement is also considered a strategic approach for saving resources, especially in terms of human capital investment for marketing. The brand-building could be addressed through the ‘Sizzle’ factor that would involve association of the brand with other renowned restaurant franchises and chains such as Pizza Hut and promotion of the non-aerated beverages as a healthy alternative to competitor’s offerings (Ots & Nyilasy, 2015). 

The communication model for Coca-Cola would have to be based on the 6Cs of motivation that includes content, customization, community, convenience, cost reduction, and choice. The content factor in the communication strategy for Coca-Cola would comprise of presenting the right content in the form of audiovisual content that could appeal to the selected target customer groups. The appropriate context that would be included in the model refers to the trends created among youngsters and teenagers regarding consumption of non-alcoholic beverages (Smith & Taylor, 2004). 

The appropriate media for the organization would be social media that can provide maximum outreach to the company. ‘Customization’ aspect could be identified in the use of popular culture in the advertisements and marketing communications that could appeal to the selected target customer group. The ‘community’ formation could be addressed through specific indications towards the customer forums and communities on social media and other online platforms that would help the organization to increase interactions with customers (Csikosova, Antošová & Čulková, 2014). 

The convenience aspect would also be a promising element for the communications strategy as it is directed towards conveying the availability of the product and flexibility of services. The returns policy of Coca-Cola, as well as the distribution facilities, could be leveraged for determining the approaches to improve convenience in the marketing communications of the company. 

The cost reduction aspect could be integrated into the marketing communications of Coca-Cola through transparency of prices and maintaining uniformity of price changes. The choice aspect in the marketing communications could be reflective of the inclusion of product ranges provided by Coca Cola followed by the ease of access to the products at local stores. This communications strategy would enable Coca-Cola to emphasize specifically the crucial elements of customer motivation in its marketing thereby providing opportunities for marketing success (Belch & Belch, 2016).

Communications plan:

The resource requirements in the case of Coca-Cola’s integrated marketing communications plan could be identified on the basis of the focus of the strategy on online media involvement. The primary requirements for brand awareness on social media include the development of content such as eBooks, games, audiovisual advertisements, and images. The financial considerations for the marketing communications should also include references to the sponsorships required for the company which can be directed towards youth health programs and environmental sustainability projects. 

The development of unique content would be reflective of novel requirements for staffing with appropriate competences. The work considerations, in this case, would include hiring content designers who could tailor the website and social media channels of the organization with appropriate modifications in order to improve the visual appeal of Coca Cola’s marketing initiatives (Barger & Labrecque, 2013). The investments would also be directed towards the advertisements and other promotional activities on social media such as sharing of images and audiovisual content. Furthermore, the budgeting concerns of Coca Cola’s integrated marketing communication plan would also include references to the remuneration for agencies that handle the social media marketing communications. 

As per Csikosova, Antošová & Čulková (2014), the investment in the remunerations for these agencies is estimated to be approximately 8% of the complete communication budget. The budgeting and staffing implications are mandatory concerns of marketing communications since they are reflective of an organization’s productivity and can be utilized as benchmarks for monitoring the efficiency of Coca Cola’s marketing communications (Csikosova, Antošová & Čulková, 2014). 

The tactical plan for implementation of the organization’s desired objectives would be realized through the creation of tailored advertisements messages for the target customer groups according to their persona and review of the demographic information to ensure availability of communication channels for promotion. The marketing communications of Coca-Cola would have to be aligned with multicultural preferences and geographical segmentation should be considered as a vital determinant of marketing approaches and concerning investments. 


The report presented three-fold description of the marketing strategy for Coca-Cola with a comprehensive illustration of the marketing communications audit that included an analysis of the internal and external environment as well as competitors of the organization and the target customer groups. The analysis of the communications audit provided insights for developing a marketing communications strategy based on the objectives for customer motivation. The final section of the report presented a communications plan with explicit references towards the staffing and budget considerations for the integrated marketing communications project.


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