BECO001 - Diploma of Business Economics for Business

Report Structure for Professional Development Plan

1. Introduction (~500 words)
Prepare a brief introduction about how the module content will help you advance your professional (strategic) development (and goals), focusing on topics of particular interest to you.

2. Critical Reflection ( ~1000-1200 words)

Write a critical reflection that will address both your perspectives on organisational design based on your personal and professional experiences/Interests as well as what the “How Do You Fit the Design” tests are showing you about yourself as a manager.

3. Personal Action Plan (~400- 500 words)
Review and revise the earlier components in light of feedback. In updating your PDP try to make it so that what emerges is a well-developed snapshot of your current and future professional plans and goals. The action plan will state your goals (one short-term, one medium term, one long-term), how you will achieve them, by when and what challenges you will face in achieving them. You may present this is a table format, with columns for above areas. Use
portrait paper format and smaller size font so that you capture everything on 1 page.

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