Housing Essay Sample

Assessment Title CW: 2000 word project proposal

Task outline Production of a project proposal to enable students to undertake a substantial study in semester 2.

Submission/attendance instructions

Students should attend meetings with project supervisors on a weekly basis this may be on campus or online.
The CW attempt should be submitted via the Turnitin link on the 7041BMS Aula page

Word or time limit

The word limit is 2000 words.
If you exceed this word limit by more than 10% i.e. if you exceed 2200 words, then you will be penalised by deduction of 10% of your final mark.
More than 30% above the allocated word limit (ie 2600 words or more) will only be read up to the allocated limit.
You should state your word count at the end of your work.

Special instructions

By submitting this assessment you are declaring yourself fit to do so. If you are not fit to submit at this time you may apply for extension to the deadline or deferral to the next assessment period (see Extension and Deferral request instructions). Please note that if an extension to the deadline is granted, the 24 hour grace periodDOES NOT apply.

By submitting this assessment you agree to the following statement:
I confirm that this CW submission represents my own work, and I have not received any unauthorised assistance. I understand the rules around plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating and that it is my responsibility to act with honesty and integrity in the assessment process. I understand that there will be no tolerance towards academic dishonesty, and that cheating can and will lead to serious consequences.

Section 2- Detail of the Assessment task
Your task is to write a research proposal for the independent research project you plan to undertake in your 7042BMS module. Your research proposal should provide an overview of the chosen research area and should demonstrate that you have developed a research question.

Your project proposal should be structured using the following sections:

Project Title
Please give the full title of your proposed project.


Lay Abstract (approximately 250 words)
Suitable for a non-specialist; capable of being understood by a 15-year old science student.

Technical Abstract (approximately 250 words)
Written in scientific terms and capable of being understood by an expert in the field.

Lay and technical abstracts should include:

i. An introduction to what is currently known in the literature
ii. Your hypothesis
iii. An outline of your aims
iv. Specific objectives that demonstrate how you will test your hypothesis
v. An explanation of the potential impact or wider benefits to society of your research.

Introduction (approximately 750 words)
Provide a critical appraisal of the literature using appropriate referencing. This should build upon and expand from the technical abstract.

Plan of investigation (approximately 750 words)

Description of the experimental methods and techniques should be included, justifying why these experimental approaches are suitable. You should include the following:

i. Details of the types of controls used, the number of replicates and how the results will be analysed, including appropriate use of statistical analysis.
ii. A workflow diagram detailing the experimental protocol.
iii. A table/figure or Gantt chart giving an indication of milestones/time-scales for the various components, including details of the expected outcomes.
iv. For laboratory-based projects:

a. A table detailing the specific consumables required to fulfil your research project. General consumables, for example plasticware, gloves etc. do not need to be included.
b. A section that describes how the project could be adapted to a non- laboratory based format due to potential disruption caused by COVID-19.

This should include details of the type of study you will undertake, e.g. Meta-analysis, systematic review, bioinformatic analysis etc.

Ethical considerations and COSHH
You should demonstrate that you have evaluated the key legal, ethical and social requirements inherent to your research project and demonstrate appropriate consideration of health and safety issues. While you can pass this module without obtaining ethical approval, this is a mandatory requirement before data collection can commence in

Reference List
Not included in word count.