4003PY - The Darker Side of Psychology

Module Leader                                                                                  Jake Williams-Becker

Assessment component (e.g. CW, class test)                         CW – Magazine Article (approx. 1000 words)

Assessment details and instructions
Coursework Topics

    1. As a psychologist you have been asked to develop a magazine article which will explore the effectiveness of psychotherapy in improving mental health
      a. You need to identify and research a single psychotherapeutic interventions as well as identify the mental health focus of the magazine article. You MUST focus on either a single mental health issue OR mental health more generally, and critically evaluate the intervention you have chosen.
    2. You have been asked to produce a magazine article to explore the statement ‘Is Psychology is a Science’?
      a. You should identify and critically evaluate an array of factors/research/viewpoints to help you to develop a coherent and evidenced based argument in your answer for the question.


    1. The magazine article should be designed to both engage and inform the reader (a member of the public) about the use of and effectiveness of psychotherapy in improving mental health.
    2. Imagine that you are a psychologist, you have been asked to produce an “evidence-based” magazine article which will inform your target audience About one of the topics above. You need to identify and research and evaluate the utility of psychological enquiry/evidence across a number of contexts and issues.
    3. You need to identify the type of organisation (or organisations) for which this issue is of relevance. Organisations could be, for example, charities, governmental agencies (Department of Health) or international bodies (e.g., World Health Organisation, BPS or APA) for example. You will develop an evidence-based magazine article on the issue as if designing this for the organisation(s).
    4. This approach allows you to demonstrate writing for different audiences. Psychologists do not always write directly for an informed professional audience. The magazine article is aimed at
      informing the general public and so does not need to follow academic conventions. It must be written in an accessible manner avoiding technical jargon, where possible, or explaining this where it is not possible. It must be evidence based but can be written in a more engaging and informal style.
    5. The magazine article is limited to 1000 words (+/- 10% i.e., 100 words). You can use images in your assignment and figures but they need to be appropriately cited and formatted correctly
      according to APA guidelines.

Details on format for submission

The magazine article should be approximately 1000 (+/-10%) words and must be submitted electronically via the correct “Submission Link” on the 4003PY AULA page by 6.00pm on 1 st December 2022.

Your submission, needs to be Times Roman 12pt, double spaced with a clear title. The reference list should follow APA referencing format. A referencing style guide is provided on the 4003PY Aula page. Citations should be thorough and well documented throughout the magazine article. Spelling and grammar should be of a high standard throughout. If you need help with these aspects of your writing, the Centre for Academic Writing (located next to the library, also see the links on CUonline) provides a range of support and advice. Please refer to the Rubric for further information on how work is assessed and graded.

For the submission, you are advised to allow plenty of time for submitting your work in case of unexpected problems with your computer, internet connection, or Aula. If Aula is not working on the submission date, or you are concerned that your work has not been submitted, you must email your work to either your seminar tutor or the Module Leader (Michael Burrows) before the 6.00pm deadline.

Learning outcomes assessed

    1. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of contemporary issues in psychology
    2. Evaluate the utility of psychological enquiry/evidence across a number of contexts and issues.
    3. Evaluate the utility of psychological enquiry/evidence across a number of contexts and issues.


Please find a marking rubric attached to this document for information on how your submission will be graded.