HI5030 - Systems Analysis and Design


In general, academic courses cannot be completed without any assignments and essay writings. Therefore, the professors or lecturers ask students to complete some essay writing to successfully complete their course. Usually, these essay-type writings are given to the students with some specific word counts. However, students may face problems in meeting this word count. Even the difficulty level of the essay depends on the assigned topics, which can be long or short. Here, a student needs to research to gather relevant information to meet the provided word counts.

There are many students who used to do the common practice of increasing font sizes and margin widths to increase the length of the page. Like this, they use many smarter and efficient tricks to make the essay better and longer. For this reason, many professors of the university or institutes have set up the margin, font size, and word count of the essay. For instance, there are 10 excellent tricks that will help you to make your essays more informative, relevant, and applicable.

  • Take another look at the introduction and conclusion of the essay:

When students begin to write, they get the scope to evolve new ideas related to the topic. Hence, you need to review the introduction part. This will help you to add more details that you have forgotten to add. Also, it will enable you to identify the research gaps in the essay. Additionally, you can also include more legible arguments along with more valid and more critical things to the essay. 

The same you can apply to the conclusion parts. Here, you need to inspect whether you have included all the information giving a proper outcome to the reader. Thus, you should always do a revision of the instruction and conclusion before submitting the essay to the university. You can also take the help of an expert service of AssuredAssignmentHelp.Com to know how to write an essay.

  • Use relevant quotations:

To establish an attractive and relevant argument in the essay, a student can use different academic quotations with the help of different reliable sources or references. It is considered the best method to increase your essay’s word counts. Along with this, quotations are also helpful to make the essay more relevant and reliable. But, you should keep in mind that you should add these quotations with specific contexts. For this, you should check out the source material repeatedly to get the relevant quotation for your essay writing. 

  • Proofread or review the essay:

Usually, students hurry while submitting the assignment as they used to have a packed schedule. Therefore, they do not realize that their written essay might have many mistakes, and they need to proofread or review the paper. Here, you can make a smart move by asking your friends or acquaintances to go through your assignment paper and point out the confusing statements and inconsistencies in the written paper. Likely, you can ensure that you have not excluded any important information from the essay. Also, you can consult an essay writing service like AssuredAssignmentHelp.Com to review or proofread your essay. 

  • Addition of transitional terms and phrases:

If you want a better essay paper and the logical progression of the sentences, you should use more transitional terms and phrases in your essay. It is important because sometimes you might have missed out to include some important points, and with the use of transitional terms, you can cover that. Even many professors emphasize the transitional terms to see the connections between the sentences. These traditional phrases and terms include similarly, even though, on the contrary, and although.

  • Take another look at the prepared structure:

Whenever you start writing your essay, it is important to make a proper structure or frame of the essay that will give you a way to write the entire assignment paper. Once you have finished your essay writing, you need to review the structure of the essay to add more information to increase your word counts. Likely, you can make your essay more compelling as compared to the last one. 

  • Use relevant examples and evidence:

When you support your views with the academic and reliable resources to make your essay a high-quality paper, it is important for you to give credibility to the research paper. Likely, you can remove the unauthentic data and sources from those websites, books, or journals. Also, you can increase the credibility of the essay by using the relevant quotations and evidence of your views in your writings. Here, you need to include more evidence or any anecdote to solidify your arguments in the essay. Accordingly, this technique will help you increase the essay’s length and make your essay more engaging and reliable. 

  • Exclude spelling mistakes and grammatical errors: 

The essay writing quality may be affected due to spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. If you have a huge number of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in your essay, the relevant resources, additional information, long equations, critical ideologies, and many more will be a waste of time as it cannot be effective to score good marks. Here, it becomes very important that you know the perfect use of words and grammar in the essay so that your professors cannot notice errors. 

  • Prove yourself effectively in your essay: 

After completion, you need to read out the entire essay to know whether you have presented yourself in the correct way or not. 

  • Break-in between writing and brainstorming:

There is more possibility of increasing the mistakes as you are given lots of time to research and brainstorm. In such conditions, you cannot analyze the data and factors in the right way. Hence, you need some break to give rest to your brain and eyes. At this time, you can do some random things like talk to your friends, eat some snacks, and go for a walk.

  • Take guidance from your professor:

You can consult your professor to guide you regarding producing a high-quality and relevant essay as well as conducting good research on the essay topic. Likely, you can get some valuable insight that you can implement in your essay to increase the word count and to score higher in the class. 

At last, it is recommended to revise the eassay’s instruction, structure, and conclusion to write your essay longer than the previous one and focus more on the use of relevant examples, evidence, quotations, transitional terms, and proofreading to present your argument in a detailed and effective way. Additionally, you can save yourself from reducing marks by avoiding spelling and grammatical mistakes. Moreover, if you want to have fresh perspectives on your essay, you can consult AssuredAssignmentHelp.Com for the best essay writing services.